Chapter 51

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Gabby peeks in the room to see aoi and wukong sleeping she sighed and looked back at JK "you sure we shouldn't tell her?"she asked JK sighed and nodded "it's for the best "he answered gabby looks down and back at the two "go ahead "he said and gabby goes in and lays next to aoi holding her and holds wukong hand.





wukong was pacing back and forth in the hallway as gabby was leaning back worried as they waited for the ok to go see aoi but they stopped hearing footsteps they turn to see JK "JK! There you are where the hell have you been!?"gabby yells JK sighed "wukong I need to talk to you alone..."JK spoke wukong looks at him and sighed "fine...just be quick"he said and the two walk to the other part of the stone temple until they where certain that they alone "so what is it? "Wukong asked "it's about Qiang..."JK said wukong growled angrily at the mention of him.

"so I ran into him while me and gabby where looking for aoi and....he give me this...."he says showing the jade scroll "wait...this is from the celestial realm where the hell did he get this!? "Wukong yells "I don't know....he told me to read it....and's something important Very important...."JK said "and that is...?"wukong asked "wukong.....Aoi is gonjin "JK answered wukong froze "w...what? " wukong stuttered that name.....he thought he would never hear again.

"Is this some sick joke?! "Wukong asked JK shakes his head and gives wukong the scroll he opens it....he was indeed right that woman who was long gone was reincarnated as aoi....

"she came back to me..."wukong says quietly "yup....but this also means if Qiang knows...he would have told demons....meaning there is a chance lady bone demon knows "JK says staring at wukong he quickly looks at him "how did you-""Your dad told me I caught him speaking about her return and you going to get a powerful weapon....but knowing this it means that you are not just fighting that bone witch just to save the world but your mate too I mean we know how powerful gonjin used to be when she was a-" JK gets cut off by the glare that wukong give him.

" eeeehhhhhhh....sorry "JK said but looks back at wukong who held the scroll "should....should we tell aoi?" JK asked "no....we can't...."wukong answered "what?! Why?" JK spoke "what would she think learning what happened who she used to be how much she suffered because....of him..."wukong explained.

"alright but if you don't tell her your gonna make her not trust you hell not even telling MK about that witch is making him doubt himself I know your trying to protect us but there are times where it's ok to let friends help! " JK explained "I know...."wukong trailed off and sighed " about this I will tell her when I get back...if I'm gone for too tell her "wukong said.

JK also sighed "alright kid...I guess that is better than nothing "he says touching his shoulder until they hear some crashing metal and see gabby tripping she giggled nervously "heheheheh uh....hi? "Gabby says wukong sighs "well I guess we can start telling gabby as practice "JK said pointing at her....










JK sighed and goes to the dining room and sits down on one of the chairs rubbing his forehead "hey "he heard and looks to see sage "hey..."JK says sighing exhausted sage sits down next to him and hands him a coconut "here you must be hungry and thirsty after that battle "sage said JK looks at him and smiled gently "thanks dollface " he says and cracks it and sips his coconut drink...













aoi feels something "hey little lotus wake up love "she heard and looks to see wukong "5 more minutes...."gabby mumbled "come on I got a surprise for you "wukong spoke aoi sits up "ok ok we're coming..."aoi says gabby groans and the three leave the bed and wukong jumps out of the window with gabby joining gets confused but rolls her eyes and climbs out of the window wukong summon his somersault cloud and gets on he lift his hand to bring his mates to join him on it they get on "hold on tight "he says and flys up to the sky as they do aoi noticed the sunrise rising she gasp in amazement as they stopped they see half of flower fruit mountain.

Seeing the sunlight touching the mountain the trees and flowers "so beautiful...."gabby says wukong chuckled "yeah it is..."he says he sighs aoi frowns remembering today is when wukong leaves and leans on his chest "I'm going to miss you wukong "she says gabby frowns "hey it's gonna be ok sweet peach I will be back before you know it "he says and kisses her forehead "hey your missing someone my sun "gabby teased wukong chuckled and kisses gabbys forehead and the three watches the sunrise.

after afew hours it was time for wukong to go "well we better get ready I am gonna bring you two back to the mainland "wukong said and flys back to the temple.....not noticing the crow staring at them from a big tree and notice another raven it croaks as saying we need to go the ravens fly away back to the mainland.....


aoi and gabby landed near the entrance of the forest as wukong sats them down "well I guess this is a see you later "aoi says wukong nodded "you better send postcards or something you fluff butt "gabby said wukong chuckled "don't worry I will"he says and the three share a kiss goodbye and wukong leaves.....

aoi smiled gently and gabby and her walk back to the city they notice some stuff change the half of the buildings are fixed they walk to aoi apartment and soon they knocked on the door "I'm coming I'm coming...."they hear Wei he opens the door and gasp "hey w-""AOI!!!! "Wei shouts and tackle hugs aoi "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN YOU BEEN GONE FOR DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYSSSSSSSSSS "Wei sobs crying dramatically.

gabby tries to hold a laugh back as aoi was getting a bear hug she pat his back "sorry just a friend of ours had to go and we wanted to hang out with them before we go I forgot to tell you "aoi explained "well your home now that's what matters come in come in "Wei said and they enter in.

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