Chapter 31

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it has been a few days after the anniversary chester has been doing more training with macaque although the anxiety and stress has been taking a toll on him he has been pushing himself pass his limits he would pass out when he head to his bedroom from exhaustion although unfortunately for him wei has notice this....

"no I'm not doing that "Chester says "come on ches you know you need a break why don't you go out more besides you don't really have work due to it being the weekend and the cops trying to figure out who had attack your boss "Wei continue to suggest "I mean oh what about that girl sparrow! She seems to be a fun person to be around "Wei added chester looks down he and sparrow has been hanging more often when they seen eachother "just...give it a chance? "Wei asked Chester looked at his brother and sighed " fine I will go hang out with sparrow..." he said getting up and heading to his room to get ready.

he looks at himself his hair has been getting longer he brushes his hair and tied it he changed out of his PJs into one of his outfits he put on a few of his piercings and head out of his bedroom he notice Wei is looking sad staring at his phone "something wrong? "Chester asked Wei flinch and looks at Chester and sighs "sorry it just...." He trailed off staring at the phone "hui hasn't been talking to me lately he said he has been busy but it's been weeks I'm worried..."wei explained chester patted his back "hey don't worry I'm sure he is alright he probably is just overworking himself like you said he does "Chester suggest "r...right that's probably it "Wei says smiling but it was clearly fake.

he has been worried about his boyfriend "hey it's normal to be worried about him you get worried for the people you love the most I should know "Chester explained and he definitely knows his brother and sister life's are on the line due to sun wukong and the lady bone demon planning to destroy the entire world he has been worrying about aoi and Wei 24/7.

chester frowns though seeing Wei is still not happy he sighs "I will be right back..."Chester says and goes out he heads outside and texted sparrow if the two wanna hang out today she quickly texted back saying sure but she doesn't feel like going out and asked if he wanted to come to her place he responded with yes and not long she texted her address he walked to the address he looks up in the cloudy sky it's been like that lately.

he then made it to the apartment he goes in and sees sparrow waiting for him "there ya are dude! "She says walking up to him "hello sparrow! Ready to hang out? "He asked she nodded "yup now come on I will lead you to my apartment "she answered he followed her up the stairs and the two make it to her apartment they go in and chester sees its a very interesting place it's abit messy though "sorry about the mess I don't really get visitors often "she apologize rubbing the back of her neck "hahahah it's fine "Chester explained he could understand although before he could say anything he feel some weight he looked to see a orange cat "GAH! blue jay get off of our guest he is not some walking counter "she said the cat although sniffed Chester's face and nuzzled.

"im so sorry this is my cat and familiar blue jay but I call him jay for short "she explained "well nice to meet you jay "Chester says smiling petting the cats head he looks at the living room to see it's has a very medieval aesthetic sparrow close the door and locked it "I see your very into the medieval times "Chester pointed out.

"My entire family is I like it due to fantasy I believe it's way more better then any genre "she explained "honestly same it feels more natural you know? "He says she nodded "would you like something to drink? "Sparrow asked "a cup of water would be nice "Chester answered feeling his throat abit dry "alright go ahead and sit down I will go fetch ya some "sparrow said chester went and go sat down on the couch blue jay goes and lays on his lap.

he smiled and petted the cats fur it purred quietly Chester smiled and looked around more the place was pretty to look at it would be any fantasy lover dream to have a living room the wallpaper has a dark brownish color with lanterns hanging from the ceiling a few tapestry's hanging although Chester notice a photo he picks it up and looks surprised it was young sparrow with the missing girl bai it shows the two wearing Halloween costumes both as studio ghibli characters the cat looks at the photo and meows sadly although Chester could piece it that bai must be family to sparrow he looked at the cat "yeah....I bet you miss her.."he says petting the cats head.

he couldn't imagine what sparrow is probably going threw right now she seems to be taking it well but people can be really good at hiding behind masks and from what he could see her smile seems to be way happier then the smiles he seen from what he could tell it seems to two where very close before bai gone missing although it didn't last due to him hearing a creak he looks up to see sparrow seeing him holding the photo he quickly puts it back she sighs "well I can't really get mad at you seeing that "she said and gives him the cup of water and sits down " knew her? "Chester asked "yup I knew her she was little sister "she explained chester gasp "oh my god i'm so sorry "he apologized "it's fine it's not really your fault..."sparrow excused she looked at the photo and at the ground blue jay look at their owner and nuzzle their master brushing their orange fur on her.

chester frowned sparrow smirked though "you know you seem like the curious type right? " she asked Chester nodded "may I ask...what happened the news didn't really tell us much of the case or what happened "Chester asked sparrow nodded "well it was after demon bull kings attack me and bai where heading back home until this little floof decided to run off "sparrow says picking up blue jay "me and her spilt up to look for him hours later I found him but...he looked very hostile and scared I immediately knew something was off and tried looking for bai but she was just....gone I looked until I found well....her headband on the ground and immediately called the cops "she explained.

Chester started to feel more bad for sparrow "I can't imagine what your going threw right now having the person you care about being missing and you don't even know where they are "he says sparrow smiled "but I know one thing I my heart she is safe and when I find out who took her I swear on the gods themselves i'm gonna fucking beat the shit out of whoever dared took my sister and give my sister the biggest hug she ever got "sparrow said chester chuckled "well just know if you need anyone to talk to during this I will be here "he says sparrow smiled but it was different it seem more genuine feeling touched by his words and Chester then knew in that moment those two friendship change well it would be nice to have a bit of a distraction from his stress and anxiety.

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