Chapter 50

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Aoi whimpers slowly opening her eyes she felt a cold wet cloth on her forehead "there there it will be ok..."she heard she looks to see a woman but couldn't describe what she looked like "will she be alright brenna?"she heard another voice which sounded similar to sun da "of course after the healing magic she s perfectly fine she just needs rest for a few days "she heard.

aoi groans abit trying to wake up it seems the woman notice "she's awake! " from aoi could guess Sun da says "oh no no please aoi rest you need it after that battle "she heard the woman said aoi listened and close her eyes as she breath slowly not paying attention to anything she rested for hours the voice drifted away indicating that the people are out of the room until she heard something she flinched and looks to see it's a cat who just jumped in with carrying a flower in their mouth it transform back to wukong and he gently grabs a flower until he notice aoi was awake.

"wukong...?"she says tired "baby peach! "He says dropping the flower and hugs her tightly aoi giggled smiling "thank god you're alright"he says "how long have I been out? "Aoi asked "just 7 hours Oh right! "Wukong said and grabbed the flower and gives aoi the flower which was glowing "I asked rinrin to cast a spell on this flower it will help you heal faster "he explained "aww wukong that is so sweet "aoi says her heart feeling touched.

he smiled but frown "I'm so sorry for not being there immediately to protect you from him "wukong apologized aoi touched his cheek and kiss it "hey it's ok my goofball you didn't know besides as always my knight or well king in shining armor came to save me "aoi said wukong chuckled "thanks petals "he said aoi blushed and giggled "your calling me flower nicknames now wu wu? "Aoi asked.

wukong smirked "yup my lily flower "he says and nuzzles her aoi giggles and does loving clicks and chirps "I love you so much "wukong said aoi begin to laugh as he begin to smother aoi face with kisses and love nibbles after their little moment wukong sighed and goes to get a chair "what are you doing? "Aoi ask.

"well I been waiting hours for to make sure your ok and plus I feel like you will like some company "wukong says leaning on the bed aoi smiles "I will like that..."aoi said and as wukong layed his head on the bed leaning on aoi arm she pet his head "I love you you dork "she said "I love you to my wild flower..."wukong mumbled tired and falls asleep aoi sighs lovingly as she stared at the drooling sleeping ginger demon monkey she loved so much....and rest her head holding wukong hand.....

not noticing the raven watching them on a near by tree....

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