Chapter 48

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JK and gabby stared "Oh shit...."he said and touched the blood and sniff it "well what is it?!" Gabby asked terrified "it's human blood....and the only human is you and....." "aoi...."gabby finished JK sentence they look at eachother "Oh wukong is going to fucking kill me...."JK said he knew wukong nowadays has better controlling his temper....but the only one thing that could make him snap is hurting someone he care for the most.

"we got to quickly head to flower fruit mountain quickly!! "Gabby said and grabs JK and drags him "where's sage?!" She asked "I don't know where my mate is they like to wonder around the mountain!" JK yells freaking out and soon they bump into sage "whoa whoa guys where's the fire "sage asked confused "SAGE NO TIME TO EXPLAIN BRING US TO FLOWER FRUIT MOUNTAIN NOW!! "Gabby shouted sage blinks surprised "uhh ok?" Sage says.

Sage quickly turns into a dragon and JK and gabby get on and they fly to flower fruit mountain.....


wukong made it to sun da spot as he sees father staring at sun in the sky "you wanted to see me about lady bone demon?" Wukong asked "yes...."he answered wukong sighs "look wukong maybe it's best that I come with you on this mission "sun da said "no I got this "wukong says "no you don't you don't know how strong lady bone demon has become over these years she may have the powerful to kill you possibly "sun da said "dad I am the monkey king it is my duty to protect this world I swore it to my master before he died that I protect this world "wukong said getting irritated "So it doesn't matter you leave the family who cares about you?! "Sun da says getting also irritated "DON'T even try to bring them into this "wukong growled angrily "alright WHAT about gabby and aoi?! "Sun da shouted "I AM ONLY DOING THIS TO PROTECT THEM!! I refused to get them killed by that monster! If it means I have sacrifice myself trying then so be it "wukong snapped.

sun da sighed "look I know what your trying to do but this isn't gonna do anything if you just let your family help LET US help you! You don't need to do this by yourself! "Sun da said.

"I'm sorry dad....but I already decided that I'm leaving tomorrow and it's final....I'm not losing anyone I care about again..."wukong said turning around sun da sighed "fine then...."sun da said and looks up to see a black dragon flying to flower fruit mountain "aoi and gabby are back make sure to spend time with them with the time you have..." sun da says and walks away wukong looks back to his father leaving wukong alone and at the dragon that held aoi and gabby and sit down.


rinrin is eating a dragonfruit "miss rinrin "he hears and turns to general ba "oh it's you what do you want "she asked "where is the king I haven't seen him and I must asked him questions of what else should we prepare for "he asked "he is talking to the sun of the east aka my father and i have no damn idea where he is "rinrin says "well if you see him tell-"he gets cut off by the crash behind him they both turn to see a dragon and gabby and JK

"gabby? JK?" Rinrin says "RINRIN HOLY SHIT!! "Gabby shouted and runs up to her "WE NEED TO GO WHERES WUKONG AND SUN DA!?"gabby yelled panicking "woah woah slow down what's the problem!" Rinrin asked "AOI IS BEEN KIDNAPPED!! "gabby yelled shaking rinrin "SHES BEEN WHAT!? "Rinrin shouted

gabby nodded as sage turns back into a human trying to catch their breath "OH FUCK WHAT THE HELL IM I SUPPOSED TO TELL WUKONG!? "Rinrin yells pacing back and fourth "we....well I'm sure he will understand about the situation of aoi being taken by a random demon I am guessing "JK says

"OH WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO GO HEY GENERAL BA CAN YOU GO TO WUKONG AND TELL HIM THAT AOI IS KIDNAPPED AND WE HAVE A NO PLAN B NO IDEA WHERE SHE IS AND WHAT THE DEMON PLANS TO DO WITH HER!?" Rinrin yells "ok "general ba says blunty and transform into an eagle "wait WAIT WAIT I WAS JOKING! " rinrin shouts but general ba was already off everyone stood there for a moment silence rinrin held her breath but it doesn't seem nothing bad is happening she breaths out but then









"SHES BEEN WHAT!?" They hear wukong shouted and it startled some of the birds in the trees making them fly away

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