Chapter 56

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Wei quickly got back up closing the door he sighs rubbing his head taking deeper breaths calming down from the panic attack he had he decided to head into his room take off his boots and sits down on his bed he decided to maybe search it up on his phone he gets comfortable on his bed and looks up places to go have vacations at he frowns as he doesn't seem to find anything until he sees a recommendation lantern city he blinks and reads it.

it said to be a big city full of lanterns and said that a legend that sun wukong give them the ring of light he hummed and search it up more seeing there is a ring of light festival only months away "now that's a plan" he says and quickly gets up and goes to his slibings although he stopped seeing aoi is taking a nap snoring he chuckled and place a blanket over his sister she smiled in her sleep cuddling up he looks up to the window it was a rainy day today.

he sighs and pulls out his phone texting to Chester asking of the idea of going to lantern city for a cool trip and send him links to it and he puts it in his pocket while he waits he could also take a nap he goes to put on comfortable clothing and falls asleep....








wei yawns rubbing his head he looks up but sees he is in some rock cavern it was pretty terrifying he flinches at the sound of loud thunder he turns to see a entrance of the cave "well....this is a weird dream"he said to himself well if it's a dream he should explore the place you never know what could be in dreams he was about to take a step until he heard a loud boom he turns to see nothing until some golden light in the cloud fading in and out.

Wei felt panic set he backs away but the light seems to get closer to the cave indicting it's coming right after him he begin to run deeper into the cave as he did he heard a faded crash in he ran and ran as quick as he could as he tried to dodge obstacles gaining scratches from the rocky piles and sliding through tight spots he ran and ran panting but he stops seeing he ran into a dead end "oh shit..."Wei muttered until he heard a crash he turns quickly to see the dust red eyes staring right at him he gasp and trips backing away as the figure walked to him he couldn't see much of this terrifying figure but it seem it wanted something for him he tried to back away more but his back gets against a well the person raise something "W...WAIT NO! "Wei screamed.

but it was too late the creature was set in motion a long unbearable crunch as the creature hit him with something Wei screamed as it continue to hit him and it was bad enough that it was one of those dreams were you could feel Wei could feel every hit he screamed beg for this creature to stopped the torture felt like hours of unbearable pain as Wei tried to move beg for mercy but it never came until the creature hit his head....







wei gasped waking up in cold sweat from his terrifying nightmare he grabbed his chest trying to calm down he looks around to see he is In his bedroom he sighs laying back down rubbing his face "never watching horror movies at night again..."he mumbled this has been the worst first he had to stop drinking cause of hallucinations he is not even sure were real due to yin and jin and now a terrifying nightmare of being brutally murdered he growled angrily this isn't what he wanted things to go he wanted to have a start over on everything living in china but no everything had to be messed up aoi and chester barely talk to him anymore learning demons gods and mythology are real he just....he just wished he didn't feel alone he felt like there is something he needed to know if all this is happening he sighed....







he knocked on the door waiting in the rain after awhile he knocks again to notice the door was open he goes in and hears chatting "and if we do this that Monkie kid is ours! "He heard he sighs and goes to see the two chaotic demons he met yin and jin "now we should name it.....golden hive " "no no no that's stupid how about sliver back- ""what are you two doing?"wei cut them off the two demons screeched from the sudden voice and turn to see Wei "wait we know you! It was wang right? Wait how did you get inside!?"Yin asked "actually its wei and the door was unlocked "Wei answered Jin glares at yin "I TOLD YOU TO REMEMBER TO LOCK THE DOOR! "Jin yelled "NO I TOLD YOU!""NO YOU" "NO YOU! "The two brothers begin arguing.

wei sighs "ok ok girls girls look your both pretty can you guys now tell me what your doing? "Wei asked the two look at eachother and back at Wei "you not planning to stop us or anything or you?"yin questioned "it depends does it involve hurting anyone "Wei says the two gasp sounding pretty offended "how absurd of you to assume we plan to hurt people we may be demons but we aren't monsters "jin said yin nodded wei looks confused "but when I was doing research on Chinese mythology I saw info of you two and you guys used to kill-" Wei gets his mouth covered by yin "SHHHH....we're turned to a new leaf "yin explained he pulls away "changed-"Wei stopped himself actually now that he thinks about it.

in the books he seen those two were known to be more serious and violent but here they are acting like tricksters who seem to hate the idea of hurting people "ok never mind but how did you guys changed?"he asked "it is a long story but there is no to fear we just want to have fun "jin answered Wei stares for a moment "by trying to defeat Monkie kid and....planning a restaurant?" Wei said stopping noticing the blue prints "well let us tell you the plan here alright lad so the Monkie kid works in this place called pigsy noodles "jin starts to explained "which is honestly really good I will not lie-" "SHHHHHHH" jin shushes his brother cutting him off.

"we are planning to make this restaurant which.....we are debating the names currently anyways if we put the noodle shop out of business that's means the boy is out of the job and that means he will starve and that's means we can destroy him! "Jin explained and the two do an evil laugh wei blinks "well 1 he could just get another job 2 not actually destroy him right?" Wei asked the two look eachother "no we aren't actually aren't going to destroy him it just fun to say destroy heheheh"yin explained.

wei looks at the two more confused "so what exactly are you guys planning to do if you do get him"Wei asked the two were about to say something until they stopped and think " some Xiangqi? "Jin said but it sounded like a suggestion wei stared at the two for a moment "you guys have no idea do you " he asked "no we have 0 ideas of what to do "yin says Wei sighs these two are just idiots who just want to have fun but then again....he and.....he shakes his head no need to think of that.

he looks up "well do you need help then "he asked the two look at him suprised "you want us?"jin asked "yeah it seems your not doing any harm why you never had help before?"he asked the two look down rubbing the back of their necks Wei sighed knowing the answer "well let me be your first helper just know I'm not doing it fully I don't really want people to get the wrong idea that I'm some bad guy "Wei explained "yeah of course so any ideas? "Yin asked Wei looks at the blueprints.

thinking then a idea came to him...."how about....speedy panda? "He suggest the two demon twins eyes sparkles like they were children and cheered liking the name Wei smirk well aleast he has some friends he can hang out with.








Meanwhile in somewhere a merchant has some fruits out and was setting the refill into the shelves he goes out to get the last which were peaches but he stopped notice all of them were gone he looks confused and looks around not aware of someone up top of the roof munching the fruit down.

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