Chapter 45

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The couple where sleeping on the couch peacefully until Aoi woke up to noise she got up and look at gabby who was snoring "gabby...gabby wake up " Aoi says trying to wake up gabby she managed to wake up and looks at Aoi confused.

"Aoi what..? " she says sleepily "I heard something outside! " Aoi says gabby wakes up abit "why don't we get wukong to check it out? " gabby yawned out "Gabby we both know how much wukong is a heavy sleeper he can literally sleep threw a tornado or something " Aoi says bluntly gabby was about to say something until she thought of what Aoi said "ok you got a point "gabby said agreeing with aoi.

"Well let's go check it out " Aoi says they get up not before leaving wukong a goodbye kiss making him move abit and smile with a small blush they go outside and walk around looking for the noise until they hear voices near sun da home they walk up the stairs.

they begin to hear chatting visible now "It's been so long old pal how's the misses? " They hear a voice say "Brenna and Lihua are doing just fine "they hear another voice it sounded similar to sun da they get closer and closer to the part peek and see a white fured monkey who seem to had piercings on him.

"Good good glad they're doing good! Now buddy old pal is there anything new at your side it's been awhile since we talk "the guy said.

"who...? " gabby quietly says until she accidentally made noise and step on a stick which made the two monkies turn to see Aoi and gabby the white fured monkey looks at the two humans back at sun da.

"who are the two human brunettes? "He asked sun da sighs "i was gonna mention them but these two girls are my son wukong mates Aoi and gabby " Sun da explained the white fur monkie gasp happily "REALLY?! MY NEPHEW FINALLY GOT TWO MATES AFTER YEARS!!? " he yelled happily and does a happy chirping noises sun da sighs at what seem to be chaotic monkey.

"Sorry did we disturb you? " Aoi asked "no no you didn't...this is Jungle king or well JK for short he is my sworn brother and friend of the family " sun da explained.

JK walks up to the two girls "yup and it's a pleasure to meet you both Aoi and gabby right? " he says the two nodded "interesting may I call you gabs? " JK asked Aoi "oh no my name is Aoi she is gabby " Aoi said and pointed at gabby "oh you sure? your giving me a gabby name vibe " JK asked "I don't know what to tell you but she is gabby and I'm aoi " aoi answered.

"ah ok anyways gabby may I call you gabs? " JK sliding over to gabby "uhh sure "gabby says "good! Good! Cause i would called you that either way" he says and pulls away making gabby blink abit "anyways I'm glad you came by Jk I needed to ask you something...alone " sun da says looking at the two girls "oh ok then come on Aoi " gabby says heading down stairs confused.

aoi looks back but goes downstairs with gabby and the two girls went back to wukongs cabin after they left sun da sighs "anyways what do you need me for? " JK asked smirking "I need you to...distract those two for a moment I need to talk to wukong about something and I don't want them to hear it and it may be a long conversation so can you old friend? " sun da asked.

"of course Besides I'm sure my niece in laws would love to visit jungle mountain " JK said smirking sun da sighs "You do remember that nowadays that when demons become mates with humans they aren't immediately married like other demons " sun da said JK does a raspberry noise "It's stupid to me I mean why do humans like to be so complicated! " JK says as he walks downstairs to go invite the girls to the trip.

"Like seriously they can make things easier if they just try I mean I am king and I can be able to do stuff with the snap of my fingers like getting some of those delicious coconuts from those trees in my kingdom " JK says drooling at the thought of coconuts.

"JK not that I mean to rush but the conversation I am gonna have with wukong is an important so can you please just go? " he asked "alright alright don't get your tail in a twist I'm going " JK said laughing as he goes down the stairs.

Sun da sighs he hopes that the last day he can managed to convince wukong to let his sister or aleast himself to help wukong on this dangerous task.


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