Chapter 21

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Meanwhile with Chester

he was heading to macaques shadow theater with some new ideas he had thought of defeating the great Sage although It would have to abruptly caught short since he doesn't realized he was being followed by someone they where sneaking up on Chester.

He heard a noise and quickly turn to see no one there Chester looks worried and goes to look back at the direction but as for his bad luck he was shoved into a wall he gasp and turn to see a guy with a weapon "H-hey let me go!! " Chester said "Hey stop struggling! You better-" the guy gets cut off by being punch Chester turns to see macaque appearing he looks at Chester "So is it like a routine of you being shoved against a wall by strangers or what? " macaque asked "no not really...what are you doing here? " Chester asked "well some little bird told me some new information of wukong and was heading to tell you but..." macaque trailed off staring at the guy who is knocked out Awkward silence Chester then breaks it "so what do we do with him? " macaque shrugs.

"I don't know probably just leave him tied up where the...I think you guys call 'cops' can find him? " macaque suggested Chester nodded and grab some near by rope and tied the guy up "what is the new information by the way? " Chester asked "well I sent one of my shadow clones to spy on the great Sage he hasn't caught 'em but I find out that wukong had your sister fully wrapped around his finger then we thought he would " he said Chester looks at him "what do you mean? " Chester asked macaque tries to figure out how to sum it up to Chester.

"well apparently the two are together like cuddling type of shit " macaque said Chester looks at him with a confused look then froze realizing what macaque might mean and cringes at the thought of that Monster being his sisters boyfriend "your saying Aoi is now his girlfriend?! " he yelled clearly upset "we don't really use those terms in demon culture but yeah basically that's what I'm saying " macaque said bluntly with his arms crossed.

chester shakes at the thought "And from what I seen I am guessing your sister may not fully agree on the thought of that bastard being the worse piece of shit who ever lived " macaque added.

"yeah honestly that's true I tried to tell her but she didn't believe me " Chester said upset macaque sighed and pat his shoulder "hey don't worry we gonna get threw it now come on we should head somewhere I have something I want you to do " macaque said walking off Chester gasp and follow him "what is it? Where we going? " Chester asked confused.

"well it appears you don't really have the Ablitty to defend yourself and due to us having to defeat the great Sage you gonna need to learn a thing or two about combat " macaque explained.

Chester blinks surprised "but where are we gonna do that at? " he asked "easy at my dojo " macaque quickly responded chester looks confused and questioned it "you have a dojo? " macaque chuckled "What you thought I only had that shadow theater to live at? No the dojo is a home of mine now come on we are almost there " macaque explained.

after awhile they made it to the dojo chester looks around surprised then thought of something "Do I have to train in these clothes cause I don't think my brother would like seeing it being ripped " chester asked macaque laughed boy this mortal has a lot to learn.

"don't worry wait here I will get some clothing and training weapons " macaque said chester nodded and sits down and waited macaque comes back with clothing and training weapons "there is a bathroom on the right you can go there to change I will set everything up " macaque explained handing the clothes to chester "thanks " chester said and head to the bathroom.

seeing the stalls he closed the door and takes off his clothing he puts on the tank top and the pants that macaque give him and looks in the mirror he honestly looks good in the clothing it made him look like a badass it also shown the butterfly tattoo on his chest he smile sadly touching the tattoo and sighs already know what he is thinking of.

Chester quickly shakes his head "come on Chester...You know This isn't the time to think about him or anything " he said to himself he looks up and walks out and sees macaque stretching Chester walks up to him macaque noticed him "Well well looks who's back " he said smirking "how I look? " Chester asked "pretty good " macaque answered "now Come on let's get started on training " macaque said


Aoi is sitting on her bed Thinking about what happened last night and touch her new choker smiling gently blushing she can't believe that the great sage Found her attractive He found her attractive a Random mortal girl who Just move into china months ago living with her brothers!

And he was A powerful demon who went to India to get holy scriptures and fought countless battles and always won! It's a silly concept if people think about it she sighed giggling "What a silly concept " she said to herself quietly she looked around well the day just started she guess she could go out and explore more of the city who knows she may even run into MK or mei again! She goes to get dressed and walk away she sees Wei and hui watching horror movies with hui drinking a huge chug of coffee she rolled her eyes and headed out

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