Chapter 24

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Chester comes out of the Alleyway abit injured from the fight from those weird water creatures he looks at the dojo and sees outside it's abit trashed he goes in "macaque are you here? " he asked worried he goes in and sees macaque dusting himself and wiping some blood off his nose as it was running he turns to see Chester.

"well who looks here " he said smirking chester walks up to him "what the hell were those things!? Those weird water creatures " chester asked abit freaked out "I have no damn idea But they are gone now " macaque answered.

"yeah that's good aleast..." chester trailed off noticing macaque has a slash on his chest "i will go get the first aid kit " chester said "I'm fine " macaque replied looking away chester sighs "you need to stop lying about that macaque " He says macaque groans "You need to stop being so persistent " He commented back.

"No thanks it's a character trait That I will like to keep " Chester said smirking he goes to get the first aid kit after awhile he came back with it and sits down macaque sighed and sits next to him "Can you aleast start with yourself first you look like shit " Macaque asked chester laughed "Of course " he says and begin to use the first aid kit on himself.

macaque stared at him watching as Chester wrapped bandages on his stitched wounds and wipes some off the blood off his face after he finished he turn to macaque "alright your turn macaque " Chester said.

macaque sighs "What do I need to do? " Macaque asked "Well to check for any more injuries we haven't notice Take your shirt off " chester answered macaque smirked chuckling "what you like what you see? " he joked chester blushes brightly "Oh shut up you ass and do it " chester growled frustrated macaque laughed and sighed and takes off his the shirt and scarf and Chester looks for any more wounds.

Macaque felt the mortal hands touched his back looking at any wounds "You have some scars on your back but it's not that bad but just in case " chester said macaque sighed "do what you gotta do.." macaque sighed and Chester begin to fix the wounds After that he bandages them macaque adjusted his shoulder rolling it "feel better? " Chester asked.

"yeah " macaque answered the two sit in silence chester stared at macaque seeing that macaque is rubbing the back of his neck and trying to relax after the sudden attack chester blushed abit macaque then notice that chester was staring at him and peeked at him.

chester flinches and looks away macaque stared at him "something wrong? " he asked "nope totally fine! " Chester blurts out.

macaque rolled his eyes and looks away chester rubs his arm "What do you think it was the things that attack? " Chester asked "Just some random demon looking for glory " macaque answered.

"there have been a lot of them lately " macaque added "so what do we do now? " Chester asked "Well after that we may need to skip training for today " macaque answered.

"Ah ok that's understandable " chester says rubbing his arm peeking at macaque he sighs "I am gonna go clean this place up " macaque said getting up "hang on let me help " chester says getting up also and the two being to clean the place up abit.


Aoi checked on wukong who has been staring at sleeping MK worried she smiled gently knowing wukong is worried for him "he is gonna be fine wukong you know that " she says quietly wukong looks at her "I know....It just....god this is my fault I should have thought of That there is a chance that he wouldn't win..." wukong said.

Aoi rubbed his back "hey it's ok dork we all make mistakes Besides it could have been worse.." she says trying to reassure him wukong smile gently "Yeah....That is good aleast " wukong said gently.

"So...what do you think the figure was looking for? " Aoi asked "Well From what I'm guessing it's A someone they where looking for as the way they spoke it hinted that they where trying to lure it to them And it wasn't me or MK so that makes it more suspicious...." wukong said thinking.

"although when MK is healed up enough I may have to ask questions he may know more of the person " Wukong suggested Aoi nodded agreeing.

she rubbed wukong shoulder "Hey how about you go get you some clean clothing Your clothes are stained with blood " aoi suggested "yeah good idea " wukong agreed finally noticing the blood stains on his clothes "i'll be right back " he said and give a kiss on Aoi cheek she giggled and hears him leave heading upstairs she sighed and looks at MK who was snoring she rolled her eyes and decided to text wei to see if he is ok he said he was and at The library with a friend of his.

she sighed of relief and asked if Chester is ok he repiled with that he isn't sure but he hope he is well that was better then nothing she hears wukong come down stairs she sees he was still wearing some warrior like outfit but he was sleeveless and had his hair down and no longer had the blood stains.

"So what now? " Aoi asked "Well you have streaming services on your phone we can watch some movies or something? " wukong asked she nodded agreeing "let's go somewhere else though MK needs rest " Aoi suggested and the two head off somewhere in the Temple.

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