Chapter 53

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During the dojo chester has starting to get used to using his powers he was currently practicing these powers by sparring with macaque.

the two man clashed their weapons as they fought chester quickly dodges the attack taking afew steps back as he sees Macaque smirk "not bad plums " he said chester blushed abit of the nickname until he felt something snatched his leg and trips him and Macaque pins him to the ground.

"But not good either " he said chester frowns "you need to learn to not get distracted during battle if you do you get a ticket straight to daiyu " macaque says getting up and shows his hand offering to help chester up.

chester laughed and grabs his hand being lift up "well hey aleast I'm getting the best teacher in the world to teach me right? "Chester teased Macaque rolled his eyes "I'm not that great anyways come on let's take a break " macaque says.

they walk to the bench Macaque grabs some fruits and hands afew over to Chester they begin to eat Macaque looks over smirking " I have to say your improving pretty well " macaque praised chester.

Chester looks at him "although you need to learn to focus more when you fight a opponent you need to focus what they do see if they have a pattern and when the timing is right when they mess up strike " macaque explained.

"so later in training we be learning focus "macaque said "alright then! "Chester says as he ate a plum but then smiles as a mischievous idea gets to his head.

after Macaque finished one of the fruits he reaches to get another one but he feels nothing he looks to see it was gone he turns to Chester who was smiling a innocent smile holding the fruit Macaque wanted.

"what? " he says "little tease alright come on give me the fruit "macaque said reaching for the fruit but Chester lifts his hand up as he lift the fruit up higher with his magic.

"if you want you got to earn it mihou "chester says giggling Macaque smirked "oh you wanna play that game pretty boy heheheh....alright then let's play..." macaque says in a dark tone making chester flustered as a tomato.

Macaque crept closer to his face with a smirk looking at Chester face not noticing Macaque grabbing the fruit and smirks taking a bite of the fruit breaking the trance chester blinks confused and hears Macaque laughing and shove the fruit in Chester mouth and leans away chuckling.

chester frowns and looks at Macaque pulling the fruit out of his mouth after taking a bite from his mouth "you can be ass sometimes you know that? " chester says Macaque smirk widen "you just figuring that out? " he asked.

chester sighed rolling his eyes but feels his phone buzz he looked to see it was sparrow who texted saying for her training if Friday was good chester smiled and texted back yes.

she replied back quickly saying good and that she also has some friends of hers who want to meet him "who is it? " macaque asked chester " it just sparrow we agreed for our first day of training with eachother will be at Friday and that she also wants to introduce me to some of her friends " he explained.

macaque hummed understanding chester looks at Macaque and thinks "also Macaque I wanted to ask you something " he spoke out Macaque looks at him "since we are now together I thought maybe we could plan on doing something together since well all we do is just train and plan to defeat that asshat we should take little breaks "chester suggested nervously.

macaque looks at Chester "are you asking me out on a date sweet thing? " he asked chester blushed getting more nervous "if that's ok with you of course like it doesn't have to fancy or anything it can like a movie night i have a lot movies to choose from like horror fantasy all that " chester said panicking abit.

macauqe thinks for a moment and smirks "does Saturday night sounds good? " he asked chester smiles slowly with happy expression and nodded answering his question "good it's a date then " macaque says.

soon he got up " alright breaks over come on and get your weapon " macaque said chester nodded grabbing his staff and the two continue training....


Aoi and wei walked around the place with their bags with their new books and have their stomachs filled after stopping by for some lunch.

wei was just rambling about as Aoi listened although wei stopped noticing something "uh Aoi what is that? " he spoke out Aoi looked confused and looked to see something in the sky "what the..." she trailed off but it came to view to be....a giant dumpling?

"What the fuck? " wei said he looked back "What the fuck was in that burger drugs!? I can't be the only one who is seeing this " he says Aoi looks around seeing people noticing it to.

"no other people are seeing it "she said wei blinks " ok I seen weird shit before but that....that is one of the weirdest shit I ever seen in my entire life " he says pointing at the dumpling.

"We should take cover just in case " Aoi said "you think taking cover can do stuff!? " wei yelled " you have any brighter ideas? " Aoi asked.

wei was about to say something but stops ".....ok you have a point let's go " he says.

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