Chapter 57

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"Alright guys come on I'm not leaving without ya! " wei called out.

Aoi wei and chester planned to have a nice little camping trip cause they felt like they needed to get out of the city for abit after all the drama and spend some family time together.

"just a second! "Aoi called out to her older brother she turns to gabby "ok so when you get back we quickly go to flower fruit mountain to start your badass training session right no other events? " gabby whisper to Aoi.

afew days ago gabby proposed the idea of Aoi learning how to defend herself while wukong was away Aoi nodded "yup "she says "alright good be careful out there you know sometimes the forest can be dangerous "gabby says smirking aoi nodded and looks at gabby with a little blush and quickly pecks her cheek "see you later gabby " she says and runs to her brother truck leaving a flustered but confused gabby in the middle of the sidewalk.

Aoi goes into the truck "alright man it's been so long since we gone into a camping trip we can go hiking and even fishing! " wei said "yup and getting smacked by fish " Aoi says jokingly teasing her brother.

"WELL YOU EVER LET THAT GO!? " wei yells embrassed "come on it was funny! " she says giggling "Well one of these days I will get my revenge on that little fucker I swear on it " wei said as he starts to drive putting some music on.

Aoi smiles but notice chester staring out of the window very focused outside he must be anxious cause of his first meeting wukong Aoi touched his arm he flinched and look back and sees Aoi smiling gently a comforting smile he smiled just a little bit but went back to frowning staring at the ground Aoi frowns worried.

ever since that day he met wukong he been acting strange she just wished chester could spill the deal and tell her what's wrong as the three drive the truck went to a screeching stop scaring Aoi and Chester abit they see a speeding cars drive by wei rolls his window down and shouts "WATCH WERE YOUR FUCKING GOING YOU IDIOTS!! " he then rolls it back up and continue to drive grumpily.

"what the hell was that? " chester asked "don't know but it seems to be speeding drivers chasing people pretty much terrorizing them I bet bucks they will get arrest in a day " he says.

They all tried to relax after that then Soon The trio made to the forest into a perfect camping spot wei gets out "alright you guys go find some go fishing spots I will set up camp "he said.

"you sure you don't want help wei? " Aoi asked worried "no no no it's fine! " wei says walking backwards to face Aoi as she got out of the truck but it cause him to trip he immediately got back up wiping dirt off him and fortunately wasn't hurt by the fall he goes to the back of his truck to get everything prepared Aoi looks back to see chester looking tense she sighs "you know you can relax here I will go find a fishing sight " Aoi says.

"oh no no you don't have to! " chester repiled snapping out of the daze "I know but I want to " she answered "besides someone needs to look after our knucklehead " Aoi added glancing back at their brother.

chester smiled "alright then" he said Aoi then leaves going on a trail as she does she hummed a song walking around the walk kinda reminded her of her walks with wukong.

she smiled remembering the memories as them talking laughing joking around but she frowned touching the center her choker which where the peach symbol was she sighed shaking her head.

"come on Aoi get it together you know he won't be gone for long he on vacation you should also relax " she says she hates to admit she missed wukong a lot but she knows it's his vacation and doesn't wanna focus on him being gone cause of her anxiety and fears.

besides she is sure that wukong would love to know what she did when he gets back although she does wonder how his vacation was is it going well? Is he having fun? She really hope so.

"hey you look pretty sad miss you ok? " she heard she quickly turns to see....a child? It was a young one they were holding a peach she blinks surprised it was strange to see a child so far from the society he held out the peach "no need to be sad here have a peach! Fruits cheer me up! " they say.

aoi confused but reaches for the peach and takes a bite the sweet juice of the peach entering her mouth "there we go I hope you feel much better from that! "The child said Aoi gulps the peach piece down "thank you Um.....who are you exactly? " she asked.

the child hums like they were thinking "now that's a good question! I go by many names but preferably I like to be called fruity! " they say as they jump and then hover off the ground.

aoi blinks surprised a floating child...why is she actually surprised by this she knew in the world of magic and demons there is gonna be a lot of strange stuff and this happens to be one! A magic child who seems to really like fruits.

"what about you miss? What's your name? " they asked "Aoi my name is Aoi.."she introduced herself the child gasp happily "now that's a very pretty name! I like it! " they said smiling happily as they float around.

"so what are you doing here miss Aoi? are you looking for something? " they questioned with curiosity "oh I'm camping with my brothers! I'm currently looking for a fishing site do you know any by any chance..? " she asked fruity nodded "yes yes! Fellow me! " they say and floats somewhere Aoi fellows them watching the little child doing tricks in the air spinning in the air giggling she couldn't help but smile it almost looked like how a child would be if they somehow got to space and now having the time of their life.

As she walks she sees the lake "here you go a big lake with fishes! " they say "thank you fruity! " she thanked the child "of course! I like to help people at times now it's time for me to recharge! " they say they float to a tree and grabbed a apple and started to munch on the apple.

aoi smiled well she better tell wei and chester she found a camping site but she stopped hearing a sudden roar in the distance she quickly turn to it trying to see where it came from "oh I gotta go now! Bye! "Fruity said "wait what was that? " she asked worried "oh hahahaha don't worry it's my papa he gets worried when I'm gone for too long! "Fruity says.

Aoi blinks "that's your father..? " she trailed off shocked look back at the direction "yup! Anyways I hope to see you again miss Aoi bye!! " the child said and floats away she watches as the child disappears and slowly walks back.

As she walks she was thinking of who exactly that child was it was very strange although she was cut off from her thoughts seeing wei holding onto chester really tightly.

"wei can you let go? " chester asked "HELL NO IM NOT LETTING GO!! THAT FUCKING ROAR WAS TERRIFYING!!! " wei yelled the two notice Aoi "hey Aoi do you know what that roar was? " Chester asked Aoi shrugged half truthfully half of a lie cause she doesn't know where that roar came from but also not telling them about the strange child and that roar seems to belong to their father.

"but it did seem to be pretty far away " she explained "IT DIDN'T SOUND FAR AWAY UNLESS THAT FUCKING CREATURE HAS THE LOUDEST ROAR....oh god it's probably a lion or tiger ready to hunt us down!!!! " wei yelled freaking out.

"calm down wei its alright look would you feel better if we picked a different camping spot cause it would be a shame if we drive out here for nothing " chester suggest wei nodded chester sighed "Luckliy we didn't prepare the camping site yet come on let's go in " chester says and goes in the truck while wei quickly goes in.

aoi takes one more glance out and goes in the truck as wei begins to drive to a different camping spot.

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