Chapter 34

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It's been a few days after what happened

the city is in big construction after what happened Aoi was looking out her balcony and sighed looking at her art book filled many fantasy drawings she has been worried over Wukong after what happened but not just him her family Chester has been shutting himself out now after what happened only having sparrow come over and Wei....

wei has been stressing over the fact that his boyfriend was announced to be identify to be one of those spider demons he has been depressed lately it was clear it wouldn't be a good start for the new year it's been depressing and crazy as hell.

she sighed and decided she needed fresh air she got up and goes out to see Wei sitting on the couch leaning his head sleeping his cheeks look wet a-bit she thinks he has been crying she frowns and grabs a blanket and wrapped it around her brother "it's gonna be ok deserve to rest after all this..."she says gently.

she goes and puts her shoes on and walks out of the apartment and heads downstairs and then outside she takes a deep breath feeling the fresh air hit on her skin she sees some of the construction on the other buildings she didn't really want to hear it she decided to head to the place she felt safe besides she did wanted to check on wukong she walks to the forest feeling the nice wind making her hair flow she then makes it to the entrance of the forest and continue to run to the temple to get there faster.

Soon she makes it she slowly goes in "wukong? "She called out for him looking for him until she sees him drop down from what she seen he just got there he then notice her "aoi what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at the city right now?"he asked "i just came here for fresh air and to check on you after what happened "she explained wukong sighs "I'm fine it just well...I was coming to talk to you actually "he said "oh what is it? "She asked he rubs the back of his neck and looks to her gently "I'm well.....I'm gonna be off somewhere Practically I'm going on a vacation "he explaining "and it well...somewhere dangerous and very far from here "he added Aoi blinks feeling abit anxiety from him mentioning that of course she did had separation anxiety acting up abit she knew she shouldn't worry but due to him being immortal it can...sometimes act up due to her being a mortal she looks away abit and back at him "when will you be gone? "She asked

wukong frown he doesn't really know himself how long he is gonna go find a weapon to defeat that winter witch and he doesn't want aoi to worry since he knew deep inside she knew that he can be a liar and that she can sometimes get anxiety due to him being a immortal and her being mortal " will be awhile honestly "he answered aoi rubbed her arm "I see..."she spoke quietly as she looked down wukong sighed and walks up to her "hey peaches look at me "he said quietly she looked up to him as he lift up her chin "it's not like I would be gone like years on end I will be back quickly as I can besides someone gotta take care of my cute peach "he said.

she giggled blushing "yeah your right "she says agreeing with him cheering up abit "so...when will you leave? "She asked "about a week or so I still need to prepare "he explained "would you have time to hang out though? "She questioned he laughs as if she told a joke "I would always have time for my sweet peach "he answered she started to feel more better "well that's good aleast "she says "yup honestly I'm free right now so wanna relax for abit?"he asked she nodded "I would love that "she answered the two head in the temple.


Rinrin walks in the cave of her father as he called to her "yeah dad? "She called out "hello rinrin I wanted to speak with you "he answered turning to his daughter "yup so what is it "she asked "so you know of how your brother wukong is going after a weapon to defeat the lady bone demon? "He asked "yeah he is gonna go find a weapon to murder the lady bone bitch "she answered "well during that time I want you to go to the city and make sure nothing goes wrong make reports if there is any signs of anything any detail that seems important "he explained.

"we cannot risk her getting more stronger or harming anyone do you understand? "He asked "of course father I will do it right when wukong leaves "rinrin agreed "thank you my daughter "he thanked "ehh it's nothing besides I been wanting to punch that bone witch since day 1 so I hope if I do come across her I get to "rinrin said.

sun da chuckled gently and looked up "want to come sit with me? "He asked rinrin shrugged and sit next to her father who was near one of the waterfalls hearing the sounds of nature silence filled the noise rinrin was getting uncomfortable with no conversation so she brought up what she first thought of "I wonder who else knows of lady bone demon is back "she said "probably that second command of hers "sun da replied gently "you mean the creepy bastard who keeps that smile on his face? God i remember how much of a pain of the ass he was I can still feel that stab wound..."she says cringing abit and rolled her shoulders abit sun da chuckled gently "yeah he was a pain in the ass alright "he agreed.

" wukong gonna do it by himself? defeat the lady bone demon I mean "she asked he nodded she sighs "he really needs to learn that no one really needs to depend on him and that we can help "she said "I tried telling him that before we announced the monkeys what's going on but he was really persistent of Doing it on his own "he explained she growled upset "the downside of those old 'friends' of his they always depending him to do everything if they weren't so lazy as hell he probably not be like that "she said upset he sighed "I can't help but agree daughter but we can't change what's already be done unfortunately even if we want to so all we have to do is help him heal from those scars"sun da explained "well it's been like thousands and thousands of years "she says frustrated "it takes time it doesn't really heal over night "sun da replied

she sighs "well I'm gonna help aleast a little abit by packing his shit "she says getting up "don't think of pranking him like last time daughter "he said smiling gently "OH I would never "she lied smirking she need to brighten the mood anyways she walks to wukong temple and grabs a bag and pack some stuff....and also grabbed a bucket of water and put it on top of the door she chuckled "oh great rinrin your such a hot genius "she says smirking evily and continued to help pack for her brother.

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