Chapter 5

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I get my boots on and got up While my brother and slibing are asleep I go out and head to the forest with something to carry in the peaches I walk to the forest and as I walk there I picked Peaches

Soon it was full I go deeper into the forest And look around seeing I'm at the waterfall again Where well I got lost I sigh and called out "King wukong? Are you here? "

i look around waiting for something I turn but flinches as He lands on a tree and hangs on it "Why isn't You again? Didn't learn from last time? " he says with a smirk

"no no...." I say and quickly show him the peaches he looks at them "I wanted to give you this as a Thank you again for saving my life, " I explained

he lands on the ground and takes a peach and takes a bite "why thanks! " he laughs abit

He grabs the bag I had it in and starts to have some bites "Ok sorry for bothering you your highness i be off now! " I say as I quickly bow and walk off quickly

I felt abit of his eyes on me as I walk back to the trail "hey hey Hang on leaving so soon? I didn't even get your name! " he says as he walks up

"Oh sorry it's aoi your highness! "

as I stand infont of him he smile "Why it's nice to meet you Aoi! " he says

i rubbed my arm nervous I stare at Him "m...may I ask my king um why...aren't you in your kingdom? " I stutter he smirks

"Don't worry someone I know is there who guards it Besides I left way longer from there, " he says smirking

I nodded I continue to walk as I hear him walking with me while eating the peaches I offered "You know I notice you are really good at parkour, " he says I look at surprised "I saw it when I notice you Were getting chased by a demon " he explained "oh I see, " i say "Where you gained them? " He asked

"I used to do a lot of parkouring when I was a kid I Always sneaked out to the forest to do so, " I explained as I walked with him starting to feel more comfortable "I did hiking also I mostly do it A lot," i say rubbing the back of my neck he looks at me With a hint of a smug face.

He continue to eat a peach "May i ask your highness why are you here? " I ask " Oh one of my temples is here Just relaxing enjoying nature, " he replies

"Ah I see, "

I looked around "May I ask the.....Thing from a month ago Was it you? " I asked "Ah no no It was my new successor MK, " he explain "WAIT MK!? " I say surprised "Oh you know him? " he asks "well not really but my brother Wei is orders At pigsy noodles a lot and MK works there, " i say he hums understanding "I didn't know someone like you needed a successor, " i say "It wasn't really my choice To be honest, " he explained "wait really? " I say "yup If you want me to explain it well you gonna need to sit down cause it's a pretty long story, " he says "but I will say though the kid is a good kid he Managed to fought demons, " he says

I smile He seem to be more kind Then the story I heard about him Being a Evil sadistic Demon who craved for power But he acts different he seems to be More relaxed and Actually seems fun to be around

We continue to chat for about what I guess a hour we were actually getting along pretty well Just having a nice slow walk I feel like this would be a good start of a new friendship maybe.....

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