Chapter 35

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Chester was stuck in his room trying to control his breathing he hasn't left his room after what happened he didn't know what he did and it scared him he didn't know how control it and he didn't want anyone getting hurt only sparrow would come in and bring him food and company though.

he hasn't seen Macaque in awhile either he sighed placing his hands in his face until he heard a knock on his window he turns to see a black cat he open it confused "I been waiting for you for days " the cat says chester stepped back surprised the cat hops to a counter chester thinks for a moment and recognized the voice "macaque? " he asked the cat smirk "what do ya think who it was? " he said.

chester sighed and sit down "so where you been? You been gone for days " he asked "sorry it just...the sudden new powers well..." he trailed off rubbing the back of his neck "Yeah you'll get used to it im curious though how the hell do you have powers I'm certain humans don't have them anymore and believe it's all folktale "macaque said "I honestly don't know " chester answered "it just...appeared....macaque is there something wrong with me? "Chester asked macaque hums thinking "I'm honestly not really sure but if you have powers your gonna need to control them "macaque answered.

"and fortunately I can teach you how to use it" he added chester turns "really? "He asked macaque smirked chuckling "what do ya think just leave ya here with no skill of controlling magic? "He said chester rubs the back of his neck realizing how stupid the question was "yeah good point "he says "anyways come on we will head to the dojo right now " macaque said transforming back to his true form "you may wanna hold onto me "he added chester confused but grabs onto macaque and then the ground shifted and the two fall in Chester closed his eyes and peeks one eye open but look surprised seeing he is kinda somewhere else but now he is in his room but it's black and purple.

"where are we?"chester asked "we are somewhere I like to call the shadow realm it's basically a place where your both back in your mortal realm but not really we can get to the dojo more faster with this "macaque answer "o..ok and I'm guessing I still shouldn't let go? "He asked "yup "he answered and then as macaque step the two begin to turn in a shadow was suprised Chester and the two slither faster and quickly made it to the dojo they go in then a purple light appeared inside of the wall macaque exist out and they where back in the normal realm in the dojo chester shivered "I feel weird "he says cringing abit macaque laughs "ah don't worry you'll get use to it anyways come on let's get your training outfit on "macaque answered and the two get prepared for the training.

after getting everything prepared macaque sits crisscrossed he pat the spot infont of him indicating he wants chester to sit in front of him "ok so we are gonna try meditating it help you focus and be less stress which will help with controlling your magic "macaque explained Chester nodded understanding macaque sighed "ok.."he says and he gets in a meditation stance and closes his eyes chester copies "clear your mind....take slow breaths feel it go in and out "macaque commanded gently Chester does what what macaque said taking slow deep breaths feeling the air enter his lungs the cold soothed air entering air.

Chester felt at peace in the moment feeling the sweet relaxation it felt like one of those times where you got in a relaxing warm bath but 10 times better chester couldn't help but smile gently feeling very light as if nothing around the world mattered.

"uh ches? "He hears macaque called out chester peeks his eyes open confused to notice he is lifting off the ground abit he gasp until fell on his ass macaque laughed abit "you good? "He asked chester nodded he sees macaque lift his hand up to help him up chester blushed abit and smile gently and take macaque hand and sit him up "well...that's something "macaque said "yup I never want to do it again "Chester says in a cheerful tone macaque chuckled at it and smiled gently staring at him.

Until he realized he was staring and abit of a blush of embrassment hit his face he clears his throat "a-anyways come on let's continue training we aren't close to finished "he said getting up chester smirks "heheh ok "Chester says.

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