Chapter 62

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The next morning, Aoi and Wei woken up from the nap "well morning sis morn....chester? " Wei says and looks to see their little brother is gone but there is a note Wei takes it and reads it.

dear wei and aoi

If your reading this I'm already gone I am heading back to the city something caught up I will make it up to you two.

sincerely chester

"what does it say? " Aoi asked wei showed her the note she sighs "what's wrong? " he asked "i been worried about him..." she says wei patted her shoulder "hey it's ok I'm sure he will be fine" he said "now....come on let's go meet up with sun da it's time for our training " he said Aoi nodded and the two headed out seeing sun da waiting for them "you ready? "He asked the two humans nodded.

"good now you may wanna wait for a sec " he spoke and the two are confused sun da goes out to a open and whistles loud after abit of silence a owl came flying down landing on sun da arm "there you are " he said wei looks confused " got a owl? " he asked "well it's not really mine it's my granddaughters yuebei owl i....I don't really have powers anymore so to go across the mainland she would let me have her owl fly me across " he said then toss the ow in the air and after a few moments it's gets big enough to fly it stares at the three hooting wei gasp in shock.

"Holy I thought wait!? " he spoke in shock "this owl was....yuebei creation " he explained "care to elaborate? " Aoi asked "well you know how wukong can take a piece a hair and turn it to anything? " he asked Aoi nodded "well yuebei wanted a companion and there came susu " he said simply.

aoi hummed understanding the three got bird "hey may I ask why don't you hav- POOOOOOOWERRRRRS!? " wei was trailed off when susu to fly up wei started to scream in fear "HOLY SHIT WE ARE SO HIGH RIGHT OH SWEET JESUS!!! " wei shouted as susu started to fly to flower fruit mountain.

They fly over the ocean Aoi looked amazed as they see ocean below them....wei wasn't really too excited he was clinging on to his sister shivering in fear she pat his hand to comfort her older brother soon they see flower fruit mountain wei looked at it amazed "'s beautiful " he said in awe Aoi nodded taking a deep breath in and a deep breath out.

Susu landed on the beach the three get wei still shaked abit from being so high in the Aoi "thank you old friend now go on and return to your master I'm sure she will like to see your here back safely " sun da said petting the owl which nodded as it flew up they see it shrinks into its normal owl size.

wei and Aoi watched it fly away "now fellow me I will lead you both to the training grounds besides I do have to tell about our new guest " sun da explained as he walk to the entrance to the forest Aoi hold wei hand leading him in to follow wei looks around "wow I never expect flower fruit mountain to look amazed the air smells refreshing " wei said taking a deep breath and sighs happily Aoi nodded "yup cool right? " she says as they walked the monkeys chitter about the new human soon sun da leads them into a field.

"here we are the training fields for you two now wait where is Rinrin? " he says confused wei took a step then screams as he gets lifted up the two turn to see it was a trapped Aoi sighed hearing Rinrin starting to laugh "HAHAHA YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN YOUR FACE HAHAHA "Rinrin said between laughs and giggles as she drops down giggling.

she after abit she stopped only with afew giggles she looks at wei "a newcomer you know this guy Aoi? " she asked "that's my brother wei....ehhh sorry she does pranks " Aoi says wei blinks "'s ok? Also are? " he said confused "ah right forgot to introduce myself names Rinrin hmmm so your Aoi brother honestly thought by the way you look you would have act more..." she trailed off wei blinks with a frown with a unamused expression "serious? " he asked.

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