Chapter 12

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"And this is Disney!" Aoi pointed to an app she just installed on wukong's tv. Aoi is packing to go back to the city and wukong just wants to do one more thing before she goes which was watch a movie! Aoi still had some time left before she wanted to go back, so one movie would be ok. Aoi downloaded Disney+ on his TV, he has never heard of Disney before so this was a new experience for him. "Oh, that one!" He had pointed to "The Hunchback of Notre Dame". "Oh, alright," Aoi responded as she picked up the remote and began playing the movie.

Aoi was warming up popcorn in his microwave as wukong began watching the movie. Aoi had already watched this movie before so she didn't need to see the first part, so she just stayed with the popcorn until it finished. But she was snapped out of her gaze on the microwave when she saw wukong yelling at the tv. "Oh come on, why would they do that!?" He shouted at the TV in anger. Aoi noticed he was on the scene where the villagers were throwing tomatoes at Quasimodo so she took the popcorn out and went over to him and sat down next to him. "Hey, it's ok-" Aoi was cut off by wukong making some type of happy noise and snatching the popcorn she turn and see it was Esmeralda helping Quasimodo

"That girl is the best," he said as he began eating the popcorn. Aoi just gave a hum in agreement before grabbing some popcorn and putting her focus back on the movie. Wukong watched the movie intently as he munched on the delicious popcorn Aoi so generously made for him. All was good, kind of, up until Esmerelda started singing 'God Help The Outcasts". Aoi heard some overdramatic sniffling and looked over at wukong who seemed like he was about to sob, loudly. "Wukong are you ok-" before she could put her hand on his shoulder he burst out overdramatically crying. She could tell he was being overdramatic on purpose so she just gave him a small look which he responded with puppy eyes.

Aoi gave out a small sigh, "wukong just watch the movie," she mumbled and wukong obeyed putting his full attention back on the movie. "Well I'm sorry that this movie is so sad that it makes me cry, did you even hear that song?!" Wukong explained dramatically giving a little huff as he crossed his arms but dunked his hand in the popcorn right before he did finishing it off. Aoi facepalmed but both continue to watch the movie until

the kissing scene between Esmerelda and Phoebus. Once wukong realized what was happening he started shaking his head indicating he didn't want it to happen. But then, as soon as it happen, he then threw what was left of the popcorn at the tv. Aoi just looked at him shocked and a bit angry. "Wukong did you seriously just throw popcorn at the tv?" Aoi asked annoyed. "This movie sucks, turn it off," wukong responded with a 'hmph". Aoi just scoffed and did as he pleased turning it off.

"That whole movie stunk except the one hunchback guy, everyone else was a dumb mortal loser," "But Quasimodo is a mortal too-" "well he was a better mortal!" wukong cut her off. She couldn't tell if he was actually offended or just pretended to be offended, so Aoi just sighed with a smile and stood up. Wukong stayed in the same position with his arms crossed but he watched as Aoi continued to pack her things as she did before the movie.

"Hey, how about we watch another movie?" Wukong suggested tossing her the remote that she caught. "I have to go home with my family wei called me earlier that its safe but I promise to come back again," Aoi responded with a small smile. Wukong huffed but then got up and went over to her, "I have a, um, bowl of fruits for you on my counter so go and get it before it goes back or something," wukong explained which a smile, and Aoi kept her smile on her face. All her stuff was packed and she grabbed the bowl of fruits on the table and headed toward the door. "Do you promise to still be here when I come back?" Aoi asked wukong with a worried tone. He responded with a genuine smile. "Promise," he said.

She then walked out the door. Wukong went back to sitting on the couch and some of his little buddies came over and stayed with him. They all just chilled on the couch beginning to rewatch episode one of season one of the show that was based on him.


Aoi was already on her way back to the city, halfway there in fact. She took off at a fast pace so she wouldn't go back, she didn't want to start heading back but change her mind and go see wukong again so she kept walking

. She then continued on the path till she got home. She sees the city She heads into it and sees construction workers fixing broken buildings she heads to her home passing by people who are fine she soon made it to the apartment and head in and went to her apartment and enter to see wei who notice aoi and chester who looks worried "Hey guys!" She greeted and then put the fruit bowl next to her. "Aoi, glad you're back," wei greeted and chester nodded in agreement.

"Woah, a fruit basket?" Chester pointed out and aoi nodded. "Yeah, got it from the local market, the kind old lady gave it to me," she explained and picked up an orange and began peeling it. Wei also picked up a fruit and then walked off to the bathroom, "I'm gonna take a shower, don't knock, or come in, or anything," wei explained then locked the bathroom door. Chester then looked at Aoi with a frown that confused her. "What's wrong, Chester?" She asked. "Were you... With him?" Chester asked worryingly. Aoi gave him a confused look, "who?" "The monkey king," Chester mumbled and aoi shrugged.

"Aoi, please tell me the truth, were you still with him the whole time?" Chester frowned when Aoi gave a small nod. "I don't see why that would be a problem anyways-" "He's going to harm you, aoi!" Chester whisper shouted. "He's not going to hurt me, Chester, he is really nice and fun," aoi explained with a small smile but Chester shook his head. "No, aoi, he's just pretending, he is gonna do something really bad to you!" Chester stated and aoi gave him a look.

Wei then walked out of the bathroom since he forgot a towel and saw the two bickering with each other over some guy named 'wukong". "Can both of you stop arguing over some character? It's really not that serious-" the two gave wei a stare with made him retreat back to the bathroom with a towel.

"Wukong isn't that bad, you're being lied to!" "I am not! Wukong is a monster" the two of them kept bickering back and fourth as wei blocked it out by playing music very loudly. Soon, the two got so mad they just walked away to their rooms.

"Wukong isn't a monster.." Aoi mumbled under her breath as she sat down hugging her legs close to her. She knew wukong has done some stuff in the past, but she knew he was a good person now, she could feel it....

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