Chapter 28

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chester wakes up again from the soreness on his body because of his defense training from yesterday ever since what happened he wanted to train more harder which left more bruises on him and A lot of bandages he yawns and gets up and puts on some of his clothing on and look at his new dyed hair Violet tips he smiled it actually fit the boy he sighed and decided to go out of his room to smell breakfast.

He looked at the hallway where the kitchen was knowing wei is making breakfast Chester goes and sits down rubbing the back of his neck he hears footsteps "well morning Bro " he heard wei voice said he looked up "oh hey wei " he greeted although seeing wei face he seems abit worried he wouldn't blame him Seeing more bruises and bandages on your slibings body can make you feel worried "you feeling alright you need some painkillers or...? " wei trailed off trying to see if chester needed anything "I'm fine " chester said "well alright then hey I made some breakfast some pancakes I got a plate ready for you with your favorite toppings on it " wei says trying to keep a positive mood "that will be nice thank you " chester said but didn't seem like he was paying attention.

The reason being due to day after day he starts to get more worried of when will the monkey king and lady bone demon would go and attack the place and if he and macaque could stop it he doesn't want to lose anyone he cares about not again....

Wei rubs the back of his neck sweating nervously he seem very tense he looks away then back at Chester "it's also by the way the anniversary today..." wei mentioned chester sighs heavily great...."I already got the day plan for it " wei explained rubbing the back of his neck "alright thanks for telling me wei..."chester thanked sounding tired but wei knew it wasn't exhausted tired it was something else he sighs "look if its about the agruement you and Aoi-" "it's fine wei...."chester cuts off wei in a harsh tone wei sighs "ok...I will...go get the pancakes " wei said and walks to the kitchen.

he hears something he looks and sees Aoi rubbing her arm abit knowing the anniversary is today she sits next to Chester wei comes back with the pancakes he place two down for Aoi and Chester and sits next to chester on the other side of the couch and eats his own pancakes slowly.

Wei looks at his two slibings he sweats abit more "h...hey I guess it will be different this time but Change is good right? We can do something else " wei suggested nervously Aoi sighs and place her food down she barely ate "Aoi? " wei says "sorry I need....I need some fresh air be right back..." she says and puts her shoes on and leaves the apartment wei sighs rubbing his head maybe he pushed it too far?

he hope he didn't He is just trying to make them happy seems they been miserable since they got here ever since the bull demon king attack happened things been different chester been distant and tense Aoi seems to be having fun with her new friend he felt selfish almost....cause he missed spending time with his brother and sister.

Aoi left the house and put on some headphones on her and plays some music and walks around the city lost in thought she didn't pay attention to anything just lost in her mind although as a hour passed she felt crowded in the big city she then started to run to the forest it felt like a safe place for her to be.

After she ran and ran she made it to the forest but she didn't stop running she felt tired but she pushed herself until she tripped into the dirt she looks up to see the clouds in the sky it's been very cloudly lately and it's mostly May rain soon she sighed and walked to the waterfall it was the same one she first officially met wukong at she felt like going to him but she didn't want to annoy him she sits down she then notice her cheeks were wet it implied to her she must have been crying without realizing it.

she winces and wipes the tears off her eyes she then hear a sound she turned to see a bird next to her she smiled gently already knowing who it is "h..hey wukong I didn't expect you to be here " she says he transformed into his usual form "Well I was about to leave to head for flower fruit mountain Till I notice you where running into the forest is something wrong? " he asked she looks away quickly "oh no no no it's fine! It just....needed some fresh air " Aoi says wukong sighs "you know I am good at knowing when someone is lying peaches and sadly I already know so tell me what's on your mind " he asked.

Aoi sighed "well....look it's happened a long long time ago It's not..." Aoi trailed off and sighed wukong rubs her back "you know you don't really have to say anything " he says gently "no no it's fine's just a anniversary " she explained wukong looked confused "what's wrong with a anniversary? " he asked "'s the anniversary of a family member that me and my brothers where really closed to passing away..." she explained wukong froze for a moment "he was my uncle I told you about he took care of us when our parents couldn't do it he died in a war wei just turned 18 while chester and me where close to becoming adults..." aoi explained more into detail.

she then quietly laughed a sad laugh "sorry...I didn't mean to bother you with my mess " she says "no no it's alright...." Wukong says quietly he sighs "I know how you feel " he added Aoi blinks and looks at him "you remember my old friends from the tale of our adventures? " he asked she nodded "well....They are also dead I won't go into detail of what happened but....I can understand your pain it's hard to go threw something like that " wukong says aoi holds his hand he looks at her and smiled.

"look aoi just know you don't have to go threw this alone there are people who care for you and there is me who cares for you and if you need me you know where to find me "he says aoi cries abit she tried to stop herself wukong caress her cheek "it's ok to cry if you feel like it " he says then after he said that she then hugs him he hugs her back running his fingers in her hair.

his heart ached hearing her sobs he whispered comforting words to her as she broke down he held her tightly as if he let go she would disappear after awhile she stop and there was abit of sniffles and slow breaths impiling she was tired.

"I love you wukong..." she says quietly he smiled gently "I love you too aoi..."he whisper gently as that was said aoi passed out due to exhaustion wukong sighed holding her tightly someone like her shouldn't go threw something like this but the hard thing is that for mortals they always lose someone they care and love the most....

he sighed not feeling comfortable of leaving her alone he slowly picked her up and jump onto his somersault cloud and head to flower fruit mountain where she can properly rest in a bed.


chester thinks to himself as wei tried to think of something to break the uncomfortable silence he looked at Chester seeing chester uncomfortable posture he then gasp smiling thinking of a idea "hey chester! I have a idea why don't we both head to the arcade I heard there is some cool games there and laser tag and you know how much I love laser tag " wei says smirking "you always beat my ass in laser tag " chester says scoffing "buuuut we both still have fun though we probably even make some new friends " wei suggested "what about aoi though? " chester asked looking back at wei he sighs "well like every year she needs time alone for this we know it's been hard for all of us especially for her she still needs to the process it " wei says.

chester knew wei was right about that ever since their uncles death aoi has been hurted from it the most he knew she just still needs time after such a event he sighed "alright then let's go " chester said agreeing "alright I will go get dressed see ya in a second " wei mentioned he left and chester looks outside and after awhile wei comes out "alright ya guitar boy let's go!! " wei says playfully and the two head out.

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