Chapter 18

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Aoi and wukong are on the somersault cloud heading to flower fruit mountain. she was holding onto him tightly as he flew she felt the wind flew in her hair she heard wukong chuckle "we are here! " he said she peek and looked at amazement seeing the huge beautiful island guarded by lava and molten rocks the island had huge mountains and had such beautiful nature as she could see she already knew it was flower fruit mountain they flew to the mountain and he landed on the beach and help aoi down off the somersault she looks up and sees the beautiful sight he smiled already understanding "beautiful sight isn't it? "He asked she nodded "come on let me show you around here "he said as he walks forward she followed wukong to see more of the mountain.

As the two walked aoi was distracted as she looked around the smell of fresh fruits and flowers filled the air the sound of nature and running rivers and waterfalls filled the place making it feel alive she never seen anything like this hell she isn't sure if anyone has ever seen anything like this aoi notice wukong greeting follow small monkeys who came running up to him she smiled "hahaha I miss you guys too! "Wukong laughed as the smaller monkeys hopped on him.

Aoi smiled then notice a small monkey walking up to her it had dark fur with a curious look and looks at wukong who was greeting the big crowd and looks at aoi smirking it extends a hand out aoi curiously takes it and then it tugs her motioning to follow she looks at wukong about to say something but the little monkey tugged her forward before she could say anything it leads her deeper into flower fruit mountain...

"hahaha oh by the way guys I wanna intro-" wukong stops noticing aoi is gone "wait where....."wukong then stops realizing what is going on He frowns "oh goddamn it...not again " he said in frustration and quickly goes to look for aoi.

meanwhile with aoi she was following the strange small monkey who leads her into a cave she looks at it and sees the small monkey stop it nudges her towards it "uh...ok? Why do you need me to-WOAH! " aoi was cut off after taking a few steps after a rope gets tied to her leg and lift her up she heard the monkey make noises "hey hey!! What's going on!? " aoi said panicking she knew that in stories from what she heard from flower fruit mountain the monkeys like to pull tricks and get in trouble but this wasn't what she expected she heard footsteps she was turn around and see it was a shadowy figure she blinked she didn't know other people lived here "well well you must be aoi I heard about "the person spoke it was a woman's voice " do you know who I am!? "Aoi stuttered outpanicking "well I been hearing brother wukong mentioning a dark brown hair human girl to MK "she answered "wait brother!? But i thought-""that wukong didn't had any biological relatives? Well that's true but seems that your confused it's clear that he hadn't told you about me yet "she asked she comes out of the shadows and it was a female monkey demon she had grey fur with battle armor on her with dark magenta markings on her eyes "although you mortals make me laugh but you all think my brother raised himself? And not think he was raised with adopted parents? "She asked "uh..."aoi trailed off now thinking about it she did had point but she looked up at her "you have a point but...who are you? "Aoi asked the figure gasped and then laughs "oh hahaha right how rude of me I practically set up a trap just for ya and I haven't even told ya my name "she said "mind setting her down kid? "She asked the small monkey who nodded and untied the trap having aoi fall she looks up and notice the female monkey was really tall around 6'1 aoi guessed.

Her captor crouches down "names Sun rinrin at your service girly "she said smirking aoi blink she never thought there where more monkey demons at this mountain although not much people knows of flower fruit mountain "and I already know who you are aoi " she said "I been wanting to speak with you " she added "but why? " aoi asked confused "It gets boring around here sometimes besides your not the first I did this I did it with MK heheh oh his face "she said as she laughed clearly it was funny "but knowing wukong he already knows where you are and probably gonna scold me again for my little tricks " Rinrin said "indeed sister " a voice came the two look and see it was wukong with a bit of a angry look rinrin smirk "not even letting her have a second here and you already doing your pranks "wukong said frustrated "Hey you didn't give me a chance with pranking your little student and have him train for a month before I could meet him so this is payment for that brother "rinrin responded.

wukong helps aoi up "sorry about her aoi she can be a ass at times "he said as he glared at rinrin she smirked "heh Not sorry anyways I leave you two be hope our paths cross again girly "rinrin said as she walk back into the shade of probably her cave with the little monkey following her wukong leads her out sighing "I'm so sorry about that aoi I should have mention of rinrin before we got here "he said " it's fine wukong "aoi says as the two walk away from the cave the two walked awkward silence filled the air wukong breaks it by sighing "I guess you have questions? " he asked aoi nodded "I didn't know you well had a sister "she said "I mean I knew from the stories you had sworn brothers but not a sister " aoi added "well it's a long story to explain in short i have a father as well he was a retired warrior who came to flower fruit mountain with my sister rinrin to live in peace and when I was out of the stone egg I was nothing but a baby monkey he happened to be walking there and when I saw him I imprinted on him as my father and boom he raised me as his own " wukong explained "wow really? Who was he exactly "Aoi asked wukong nodded "he is a ancient demon who was known as two tailed monkey which the name suggest he had two tails although I don't know where he is Right now probably relaxing his cave up in the mountains alone "wukong said looking up at one of the mountains.

aoi looks up trying to see what he is looking at wukong then gasp seemingly remembering something "oh I almost forgot come on aoi I need to show you something! "Wukong said sounding excited grabbing aoi hand and leading her to somewhere they ran and ran until they stop at somewhere wukong leads aoi to a cliff which had a beautiful site of the sunset indicating the two been here for hours aoi looked surprised at the beautiful site there was flowers blowing gently with the wind.

aoi walked to the cliff looking around "it's beautiful..."she says amazed wukong smiled and sits down aoi sits down next them watching the sunset as the stars begin to appear one by one "Ohhh look! The stars are coming out! "Wukong said noticing them aoi smiled noticing them "I also heard the full moon is gonna be out " aoi said wukong smiled widen "perfect! " he said soon the sunset disappeared and the two begin to stargaze the perfect calming night.

wukong and aoi talked as they star gaze wukong then smirk Aoi didn't notice it as she was focused on stargazing Wukong looks at aoi and leaned more closer to her ready to tell her the reason why he brought her here "hey aoi " wukong said Aoi  hummed as a what is it "there is something I been wanting to tell you there is a reason why I brought you here " Wukong said aoi looks at him "what is it? "She asked he takes a deep breath "well as you know bringing a mortal here is really special a rare thing since there is always a reason now I'm not into those sappy type of stuff so I'm just gonna say it here and now before I forget "wukong said aoi looks at him confused then he caress her cheek she blushed and look at him noticing her crept close to her face "wukong? "Aoi said blushing more wondering what wukong was planning she felt allured though wanting to know what he planned to say although wukong blushed tried to say something but he looked pretty nervous his words caught in his throat but it seems to not be a problem as the two crept closer so he decided to use it to his advantage he then give her a quick kiss on lips aoi blushed brightly at the sudden kiss she though begin to melt into it although it seem to end quick as wukong pulled away aoi already getting what he was trying to say she smiled no words where spoken as it was clear as the day what the two felt "so I guess..."aoi trailed off embarrassed  wukong already got the hint of what she was trying to say " yeah "he said the two smiled and cuddled up watching the night sky.

although unknown to them someone was watching them rinrin stared at the two "huh was expecting that "she said staring at the two " daughter "she heard she looked up and see the tall ancient monkey she flinched not expecting him he smiled gently "come let us not bother him he is clearly in a moment with his new mate "he said "fine..." rinrin said as she got up and the two left leave the two alone as they watched the night sky.

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