Chapter 19

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Wei went and is currently out looking for Aoi since she hasn't came back although it was kinda hard when it's like 7AM In the morning but he is determined To find his sister who ran off again He walks on the sidewalk heading to the comic store first where his Ex runs but he stops hearing something in the Alleyway.

he turns to it confused to only see darkness"what the..? "He said trailing off he takes a step "Hello? Anyone there? " he called out he was about to walk away until something hits him in the head he falls over passing out but not before hearing a male voice "HAHA I got 'em! "





Wei opens his eyes confused of what happened feeling his pain ache "Ow...." He said he looks around but see nothing but darkness and it seems he is wearing a sack "Wakie wakie Monkie kid " he heard wei froze "What the- WAIT!? " wei yelled out fully awake now seeing he is tied up "HEY WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!? " Wei shouted he struggled out he feels a sack was pulled off he looks around and see it's a dark room "I bet you didn't expect to see us again " he heard another voice and the light turns on "monkie ki- Wait a minute your not monkie kid " he sees who said that was a weird orange creature with horns "YEAH NO SHIT SHERLOCK! DO I LOOK LIKE A KID OR A MONKIE TO YOU!? " wei yells out angrily the orange creature laugh nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

"Wait it isn't him!? " he heard and the chair turn and sees someone who looked like the orange creature but was blue "HOW DIDNT YOU KNOW IT WASNT HIM?! " the orange one yelled out "THEY LOOKED THE SAME! " the blue one yelled out "OK OK I don't need your bickering But please tell me WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TWO AND WHY IM I TIED UP! " wei yelled getting upset the two creatures stared at eachother and back at him not even sure what to do.

But then change to evil smirks and introduce themselves in a villain way "We are your worst nightmares! Jin and yin The golden and sliver demons "

wei blinks "More like Jessie and James from Pokémon with no meowth " he said they look confused "What's a Pokémon? " Yin asked confused "Not the point right now Now fellas I don't know what Kind of roleplay you both are doing But Can you both please get me out of this? " Wei said glaring at them one of them gasp offended "Roleplay!? Excuse you we are actual demons " Jin yells angrily "Uh huh you must be very devoted to this roleplay " Wei says "Hey we can prove we are demons!! " Jin said with a frown "Yeah! What he said! " Yin agreed with jin "Ok then prove it " Wei said Yin goes and grabs a bottle "what's ya name lad " He asked wei stares at the bottle and back at the demon

"Are you serious? " he said with a unimpressed look "JUST DO IT " Yin yelled frustrated at the mortal "Ok ok fine it's Wei now-WHA!!" Wei gets sucked in the bottle the two demons stare at it for a minute awkward slience filled the air "Soooo....Should we let him out? I mean he ain't Monkie kid " Jin asked yin nodded and let Wei out who crashed into the wall and the demons walked up to him "Oh you are demons " Wei says calmly "yup and-" Jin then was cut off by Wei screaming in fear.

"HOLY SHIT- YOUR ACTUAL DEMONS FU-" Wei shouts panicking trying to get off the floor and back away from yin and jin trying to calm him down "NO NO YOU BACK YOU STAY BACK ALRIGHT IM NOT GETTING MY SOUL SUCKED OUT OR SOMETHING DONT GET NEAR ME " wei shouted as he grab a chair as a block to get them away from him the two demons were getting frustrated "CAN YOU CALM DOWN!?" jin yelled wei stops "We obviously not gonna hurt ya we don't really have a reason too " yin said "so your....not gonna suck my soul out of my body or Anything? " wei said they shake their heads "Besides we demons don't suck souls from humans....some personally eats them " Jin said "and we both don't really like the taste of humans anyway " yin added wei blinks this wasn't what he expected

he slowly put the chair down and sits down having a crisis "d...demons exist? How-when?? Does that mean stuff like heaven and hell exist do gods exist?? " wei mumbled and continue to mumble Jin and yin stares at the mortal "Jin can ya get some water and snacks this guy has alot to learn " yin asked Jin nodded and left to get drinks and food

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