Chapter 59

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"So wait you're telling me Aoi that All this time you were not hanging out with some Hunter but instead THE LITERAL FUCKING MONKEY KING FROM THE LEGENDS and that he saved you from a demon who tried to kill you you became friends and later Lovers and that choker your wearing is some traditional gift marking shit and now he is currently on vacation and you plan to do some training of self defense in flower fruit mountain with his not known sister!? " wei repeated sounding shock.

Aoi nodded "yeah.....heheh honestly if i were to tell you I didn't expect it would be like this " she says wei just stares for a moment and leans back grabbing a soda can and drinking it down "are you really drinking soda in 6 in the morning? " Aoi asked.

"YES cause one I'm taking a break from achool AND I just need to process this " he says as he gulps down the entire drink he hiss from the big gulp he sighs and looks at Aoi "why didn't you tell me? " he asked "well one I didn't know how you will react second of all I don't think you believe me if I said oh hey wei I forgot to mention I'm dating the monkey king from the legends and demons and gods and all that are real! " she explained.

was about to say something but froze ".....good point " he said he sighs and looks up at her "are you mad...? " she asked "no just....I don't want you to get hurt does....does he make you happy? " he asked she giggled "well ever since I met him....I been the most happy I ever been he honestly makes me feel safe and loved " she says wrapping her arms around herself "he always knows how to make me laugh and smile he may seem like the loner type but from what I seen he is just lonely " she explained as she imagine the sun ginger monkey.

Stares at Aoi surprised he didn't expect for her to speak so passionate about wukong she giggled "what the legends told about him he isn't like that in a way he is better his sweet goofball personality his beautiful ginger hair his golden eyes makes you think your staring at the sun his cocky but sweet smile he just....perfect "she says Wei smiled gently "by the way your speaking of him I guess he isn't such as bad of a guy then I will support you your still my sister and you have your own life whatever you choose I will support no matter what "Wei said aoi smiled and gets up and hugs her brother "thank you wei "she thanked.

Wei chuckled "your welcome "he said they pulled away then notice the sun is coming up "well we better get breakfast started "Wei says aoi nodded and they go to the truck to prepare some food meanwhile with Chester he woke up rubbing his head he looks at his phone then becomes wide awake it's Friday the day of sparrow training he totally forgot!

"shit!"he whispered to himself and got dressed and got out "well well morning chestnut just in time we were about to prepare breakfast "Wei said "sorry I can't right now I need to go right now!" Chester says "why what's going on?"wei asked "I forgot I was supposed to be training with sparrow! "He explained "oh shit! Do you need me to drive you there?" Wei asked.

"no no it's fine you guys enjoy your breakfast I will be right back"he said "alright then if you say so "Wei said as he place down the bag full of food chester then ran once far enough he transform into a raven and flew up unaware of someone watching him it was the child aoi met before they chew on a dragon fruit watching "well there he goes" he says as he watches chester fly away "I hope we will meet soon bolin it will be nice to talk to you again "the child said as he continue to eat the fruit.


Chester flew threw the city to go to where sparrow said where the two can meet as he does he notice the same bikers from yesterday driving fast once again chester sighs seriously someone needs to report them he then notice he was close to his destination he lands near the alleyway and turns into a human he goes to the destination and sees it's a abandoned dojo he looks around to look for a way to get in.

he sees a entrance he goes in and sees it was a big place he walks around "sparrow! I'm here were are you?" He asked confused he looks around confused "sparrow?"he called out until he felt himself tripped and grabbed he was now hanging upside down with someone grabbing his leg he sees a figure staring at him "state your business "the person said it sounded like a woman voice "I...I am Chester I am friends with sparrow "he stuttered scared "wait your Chester?"he heard another voice he look behind him and see it was a boy?

He had curly brown hair golden eyes staring at him he nodded "yeah I'm Chester I mean no harm! "Chester said panicked "alright alright guys calm down your gonna scare him half to death "he heard the lights flicked on and see it's sparrow chester "so sorry about them I haven't introduced you these two are Cody and Persephone or well Percy for short "she explained chester was dropped he then could see the two people have cat ears and tail "and yes these two are demons or well for Cody half demon you may have heard of Percy as the necromancy cat from legends told about her "sparrow asked Chester sat up.

"Ah I heard of her and well I'm glad they give me a warm welcome then "he joked rubbing his head sparrow chuckled she then lifted her hand offering to help him up Chester accepted it and he got up "sorry about attacking you by the way you can never be too careful nowadays "Cody apologized "no no your good! Your good "Chester spoke.

"So you ready for some training? "Sparrow asked Chester nodded and looks back at the two "yeah but question are they gonna watch or help me with training? "He asked "they are here to help I always believe having some other magical badass demons could help you with a thing or two "sparrow said playful as she does some poses.

"If that's alright with you of course mr chester "Cody says butting in Chester laughs "mr chester is my father you can just call me chester "Chester joked abit "ah alright then "Cody said sighing of reilef "anyways you three can chat I will set everything up"sparrow says Chester nodded and chat with the two feline demons as sparrow gets everything prepared.


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