Chapter 42

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Chester was in his bed in his PJs while his brother is sleeping while aoi is off somewhere with her friend he couldn't stop thinking of the kiss of macaque he touched his lips he growled and throws a pillow in the wall "chester what were you thinking kissing macaque you don't even know if he likes man! Damn it stupid stupid stupid! "Chester says gripping his hair.

"What I'm I supposed to say to him.....when I see him again..."Chester says quietly wiping tears of embarrassment away he then hears something he looks it's a black cat he could tell it's macaque he looks away the cat meowed Chester understood it meant fellow he nodded as the cat jump away from sight

chester sneaks out of his bedroom and sneakily grabbed his jacket and shoes and heads out putting them on and heads outside to see macaque running off somewhere "macaque wait! "Chester quietly says and chases after him as he tried to keep up he managed to go to the dojo he gulps and sighs sweating nervously and goes in to see the cat is no longer there "m...macaque are you there if...if this is about the kiss I...."Chester trailed off because he felt a presence behind him he turns to see macaque

he gulps "yes Chester it's about that kiss "macaque answered chester looks down embrassed "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable I just..."chester was cutted off as macaque gently pushes him into the wall pinning him onto it he stares at macaque blushing brightly "you know ches....out of all the things I didn't expect I didn't expect you to fall in love with me..."macaque said smirking "it was pretty obvious your glances at me and your face sometimes going red "macaque explained

Chester looks away more embrassed macaque chuckled "You know if you wanted to be with me you could have just asked..."he added chester stared at Macaque surprised "w...what? "He stuttered "I also had the same feelings "macaque lied to Chester chester eyes sparkle "m...maca-""no...use'uer mihou it's my real name after all and I don't like to use formality around my new mate..."macaque says Chester blushes as macaque crept closer to Chester lips and after a few moments they share a kiss

chester gasp abit but melts into the kiss wrapping his arms around mihous neck as they shared a compassionate kiss macaque hold the mortal tightly chester felt butterflies in his stomach as the two kiss soon the two pulled away mihou tlited chester chin as his face was all red "aww how cute you look so cute with red starlight..."macaque says to Chester and holds chester close as they begin to embrace eachother chester blinks and smiles tears of happiness falling down and hold onto macaque as if he lets go he would disappear "I love you..."chester says

"I love you too....sugarplum..."


wukong was outside of his temple staring into the night sky as aoi and gabby where alseep he couldn't stop thinking about the vacation and how rinrin been trying to pressure him to let his friends or to let her help aleast but he can't.....even though he was forced into retirement by his father he can't just let MK or anyone else deal with this he has to do it himself

retired or not....

he is gonna stop that ice cold hearted witch and make sure she burns in diyu even if he had to drag her down there by the throat....

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