Chapter 20

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"And that is pretty much it " yin said Wei blinks as he stared at the two demon brothers "So your telling me Chinese mythology and gods Exist And so does demons and you all went to hiding at one point but when MK who is Monkie kid Appeared you are all slowly coming out of hiding to defeat MK and your joining in so you can be both cool? " wei asked "Yeah pretty much " Jin said as he eats the bag of Chips.

Wei blinks "I thought you would have get it I mean there is the demon bull guy "yin said "WELL I thought it was some weird robot thingy! I don't know it's just all my life I been told these are just stories But it appears they are real! Actually real! There is a real demon bull king there is a Real jade emperor Hell there is a real buddha!! " Wei yelled and leans on his hand "it's a lot to take in isn't it? " Jin said staring at him blankly as he took a bite of a chip.

"You think!? " Wei said and rubs his head and goes to rub the back of his neck "it feels So shocking! Are the other gods from other cultures exist too!? " Wei asked the two "hey we just telling what we know " Yin said "so basically that's all? " Wei asked "well....not really lad there still so much more you mortals don't even know about! " jin said wei sighs "are you aleast kind enough to tell me? " wei asked the two demon brothers look at eachother and back at wei "What's is it in for us? " Yin asked Wei looks at them blinking "Simple I can give you info that you may need and we trade " Wei said the two look eachother thinking about and the two nodded "sure lad It does seem you have important information " Jin said "Alright then so- "Wei gets cut off by getting grab by one of the brothers.

"But we very busy Lots of busy due to the mistake of you not being The monkie kid we need to find him we will find time to talk alright see ya bye bye " he said as he drag wei out the door and and gets him out and gives him paper "the hell is this? " Wei asked "Phone number " jin said "Wait you guys have phones? " Wei asked surprised but the two already closed it he frowns and rolls his eyes and walks away from the place he decided to grab his phone that was luckily still on him and looked he sees it's 9AM he sighs frustrated.

he needed a break he then thought of one person that could cheer him up and rant about he types in his phone number and it buzzes until it picks up "Hello? " he heard "Hey hui! It's me your favorite boy wei " wei said playfully he heard a Chuckle "why I didn't expect a call from you what's the occasion?" Hui asked "Well I know you are busy with the super secret project You not telling me about but! Mind if you come visit little old me? " wei asked smirking he heard shuffling and some voices until hui answered "Sure I do need a break after all " he heard


Aoi wakes up yawning to see she is still on the cliff and wukong is snoring gently she smiled seeing her new lover sleep so soundly she looks up and see the sun rise in her mind she wondered how long she slept.

the sound of nature and animals waking up filled the air she seem to realized wukong and her must have accidentally fall asleep while stargazing she turns to wukong again and sees abit of drool was coming out of his mouth she giggled smiling gently soon not long after wukong wakes up he stretches and wipes off the drool off his mouth "well good morning " Aoi said smiling wukong smirks getting up "morning to you too " He said.

wukong looks around "what time is it? " he asked "it seems to be morning " Aoi guessed "well if that's the case let's go have breakfast " wukong said getting up and wiping off any dirt on him and lift his hand to help Aoi up she takes it and the two walk off wukong leads her to a waterfall he lift his hand up and it begins to glow gold and the waterfall parted Aoi was surprised to see it but she should expect it due to wukong having magic.

the two go in and Aoi sees a small cabin the two go in Aoi was surprised to see it looks like a comfortable place to live wukong grabs a peach and toss it to Aoi "Aoi catch! " he said Aoi catches it "thank you " she said and begin to eat the peach wukong also eat a peach too after their little fruit breakfast Aoi looks out "I should get home my brothers must be worried since I haven't gone back in two days " Aoi said wukong smiled "well if you say so but before that I wanna give you something " wukong said and goes to another room Aoi waited she heard shuffling and wukong comes back holding something she looked confused and wukong handed it to her to see it's a choker with a peach symbol on the middle "In demon tradition demons brings their new mates gifts and they add something that shows who you belong to " wukong explained "ah I see "Aoi says.

she puts the choker on "how does it look? " Aoi asked "beautiful " wukong answered gently Aoi blushed with a gentle smile "thanks" she said "now let's bring you home " wukong said as leaves the cabin Aoi joins him and the two head to the beach and wukong summons his somersault and helps Aoi up and the two fly back to the mainland.

soon wukong gets to the entrance of the forest that had and landed "thanks wukong " Aoi said wukong nodded "anytime " he says Aoi blushed he helps her down "well see you later " Aoi said waving bye and walks off wukong smiled and sighed and quickly heads back to flower fruit mountain as he remembered MK training is today.

Aoi walked into the city waving hello to the strangers and heads to her home when she gets there she goes in and heads up the stairs and head to the door to her apartment she knocks and the door opens to see wei "Aoi!!! " he says happily and hugs her tightly "Oh thank god your ok! Where were you!? You been gone for two days!! " wei yelled "yeah sorry a friend of mine and me got caught up with something " Aoi explained rubbing the back of her neck wei sighed.

"well aleast your home now come on in " wei said Aoi goes in to see a man on a couch he had black hair with a small beard and mustache with glasses "who are you?? " Aoi asked he looks up "Oh you must be Aoi I heard about pleasure to meet you I'm hui fang I'm wei boyfriend "hui explained Aoi blink and look back at wei he had a proud smirk "me and hui have been dating for afew months now and I thought hey maybe it's time for you and chester to meet him! " wei explained proudly "where is Chester anyway? " Aoi asked.

wei hummed "I'm not really sure he said he needed to do something " he explained then he notice the choker around Aoi neck he looked surprised "woah what's with the choker? " he asked "oh the friend I mentioned earlier give it to me " Aoi explained "well How nice! " wei said "well anyways I will leave you too alone " Aoi says as she takes off her shoes and goes to her room.

hui and wei stare at the hallway awkward silence filled the air for one minute "soooo.....horror movies with some coffee? " wei asked hui nodded with a smile "God I would love some I haven't had a coffee since this morning " Hui said with a sound of relief wei chucked smirking loving how hui can sometimes be dramatic over coffee.

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