Chapter 23

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Wei looks at the calendar, it's the start of October 1st he smiled "Ah the spooky season perfect heheheh " he chuckled and goes out to the living room "Oh Aoi oh chester I- " he stops seeing Chester putting his boots on "Hey what ya doing? " he asked his little brother he looks up "oh my defense classes are up today I need to head quickly " Chester explained "But what about Halloween stuff? We always go grab stuff for it " wei says frowning "I know I'm sorry I wish I could stay but uh...let's say my Teacher doesn't really like me missing classes I promise next time ok? " Chester says smiling gently.

wei sighed "yeah ok..." he said "thanks now I better hurry bye! " Chester said and quickly left the house wei sighs "maybe Aoi would like to join " wei says and goes to Aoi door and knocks it "hey Aoi you there? " wei asked smiling she opens the door and he sees her backpack "hey wei sorry I got quickly head off a friend of mine wanted to hang out and I know they don't like waiting " Aoi says "Oh alright see ya " wei says trying to keep a happy look Aoi leaves and wei sighs sad and goes to sit down on the couch he knew his brother and sister have been busy lately With Chester staring defense classes as he calls it And with his new job at a bar since apparently his boss has been arrested for domestic abuse and Aoi is off with her new friend.

he knew they had their own lives but he missed them a lot he thinks of others maybe Bao? No no he off at the Buddhist temple Maybe hui? No....he is to busy with the secret project he is doing....Wait maybe Hong! He has been hanging out with her a lot lately! He goes up and quickly heads to go hang out with Hong.


in the ancient shops Gloria exited out the shop since it's her day off she waved good bye to luohou who smiled and waved bye she goes off with little Rico in her pocket snuggling up she goes to the arcade holding up some coins to enter in the shop.

she stops though Feeling a strange presence Rico pops his head out and stares at her "yeah buddy I feel it to" she said looking around feeling a weird tingle down her spine something is wrong and she doesn't like she quickly head back to the direction of the shop quickly she needed to tell luohou about this....














....Although the poor girl.....She was unaware of the figure staring at her at the roof the figure looks at the city they been Looking for something they been looking for it for hours They hummed it seem whatever they are looking for needs a.....

strong motivator they put their hood up and mask and use the rain the form a katana and held it in their hand now They sure that where ever It is they are looking for....This will draw it out....


Aoi quickly head up to the temple where wukong was waiting wukong was currently on his cloud floating up at the roof not minding the rain.

he goes and checks at the ground and sees Aoi he smirked and drops down and waits for her to enter in she goes in "well well looks who's finally here " wukong teased Aoi smirk "oh shush you dork " Aoi says smirking as well wukong laughs and sighs "alright alright come on it's raining let's get inside " wukong said walking into the temple Aoi follows him in.

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