Chapter 15

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Chester makes it to the theater holding onto his bag tightly and goes in its empty he goes and looks around exploring abit since Macaque May probably take away it was Pretty big and Had a haunted ghost Theme makes sense since outside it looked abandoned He was honestly impressed with the concept.

But Then he hears something he turns to see someone coming out from the shadow on the wall it was macaque "Jesus you scared me! " Chester said Abit startled "Sorry I tend to do that when I come out from the walls " Macaque said with a smirk Chester rolls his eyes "Now what's the plan of stopping that monster " Chester asked curious.

"well you may wanna sit down cause I got some long one's" macaque explained then the two start to discuss of how to defeat sun wukong...

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Aoi is walking to the temple waving hi to the little monkeys She goes in "wukong I'm back! You here? " she asked Looking around then she heard something she turn up to see wukong on his somersault cloud staring down at her she smiled " i been waiting for ya " he said with a smirk "I thought so you dork " she says smirking he laughed abit "Alright now come on I been waiting to watch another movie with you " he said getting down from his somersault cloud "yeah I'm sure to! " Aoi agreed the two go in the temple.

Aoi gets to the couch and wukong turns on the TV sitting down next to her and grabs the remote and clicks on the Disney+ app and looks threw the movies "now which one hmmm..." wukong trails off trying to figure out one but he stops at one movie "what's Beauty and the beast? " he asked "Oh its a classic Movie From the 1990s " Aoi explained wukong hums seemingly curious of the movie Aoi already knew he wanted to watch it out of curiosity "Would this be fine? " he asked Aoi nodded he then plays the movie.

it starts on the intro Aoi then gets up to get the popcorn started as wukong watched the movie not noticing Aoi left to get the popcorn and fully focus on the movie.

Aoi comes back to see the scene Of Belle running to see if Maurice was alright wukong tried to hold back a laugh seeing Maurice stuck in a barrel and hopping around till it broke abit "Pffft- Haha!! I'm so sorry but the-Pfhaha!!!- the Way he just hopped around! " wukong wheeze out giggling abit aoi smirked and give the popcorn to wukong "Now this time don't throw the popcorn at the TV again " she asked Wukong giggled Abit "No promises " he said she rolled her eyes playfully as the two continue to watch the movie everything was going normal until up to the part where the beast first appear.

wukong look at him with confusion and maybe abit of surprised "What in buddha's name is that? " he asked the scenes shows Maurice looking left to right but only to show the beast staring at him filled with rage Maurice shakingly gasp in horror at the sight the beast started to demand For Maurice to tell him who he was and what he is doing there and Maurice tried to explained clearly terrified but the beast interrupted him Saying he wasn't welcome here wukong Actually looked quite concerned at what was happening.

It showed Maurice is trying to apologize but the beast seem to be angered more Thinking Maurice was there to stare At his hideousness Maurice tried to run but the beast blocked his path Maurice Tried to say he Didn't mean no harm and that he just needed a place to stay but then the beast grabbed him and dragged him out the room and it fades to black.

wukong stared for a second before saying "Well Belle Is a orphan now " he bluntly says before dumping his hand into the popcorn It goes good for abit Aside Wukong calling Gaston a narcissistic Stalker who won't leave Belle alone when she clearly wasn't interested in him it went well until the part where Belle was crying at the lost of her father And her freedom.

wukong frowns with a sad look Then beast came in and wukong look turn into angry Clearly angry at the beast Belle Begins to say that he didn't even let her say goodbye to her father and beast seem to feel bad abit "YEAH FEEL BAD YOU LION THINGY I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE ASSHOLE!! " wukong yelled dramatically Aoi tried to hold back a laughing From wukong insulting The beast but then wukong stares at Aoi "But No seriously what is he? I can't tell what he is supposed is he supposed to be a lion with horns And a wolf tail If not then what is he? " wukong ask really confused Aoi just shrugged Indicating she doesn't know either "Honestly I don't know either probably inspired by those animals but I honestly I'm not sure " Aoi answered wukong hummed "Ah I see " he said.

But Soon the two continue to watch the movie Going good And abit bad due to wukong Being abit angry at beast Scaring Belle Away and It almost lead to her death But was happy he saved her life And actually started to be more interested in the movie and no throwing popcorn bowls in sight.

soon the Tale as old as time scene comes on Aoi smiled "Oh I remember this scene.. " Aoi said with happy tone wukong looks at her seeing she is really happy and so relaxed at the scene it looked comforting almost he looks at it Seeing Belle and beast bowing to each other and going down the stairs As Mrs Potts singed Wukong hummed Abit gaining a idea.

he soon got up "wukong what are you doing? " Aoi asked smirking wukong Handing out his hand "Well it isn't fair That we don't share a dance Ourselves right? So may I have this dance?" he asked Aoi blinks and giggles "You dork! " she giggled but then nodded "sure " she says taking his hand the two move away from the couch to gain room to dance the scene matching the two as Belle and beast head to the ballroom for their dance

Aoi and wukong stared at each other Aoi seem abit nervous but wukong wink giving her a reassuring look that it's ok and then started to dance As the music played in the background

The two were lost in thought as they dance with each other As the song played staring at each other though with wukong He felt something Inside him It felt like butterflies where in his stomach as he stare at Aoi who was having fun he honestly loved it The way she smiled So brightly Filled with optimism he almost forgot what the two where doing like nothing mattered at all.

he honestly didn't want the moment to end Aoi then slowly put her head on his chest as they dance Wukong smile widen from it and gently closed his eyes as the two dance slowly came to a end as the song was about to end As it did the two stand there not realizing they were embracing each other Aoi blinks slowly remembering what the two where doing she blushed Abit Seeing she was in wukong arms.

She notice Wukong Had his eyes closed as he hold her tightly She smiled seeing he looked very happy "Hey wukong mind letting me go? " Aoi asked Wukong opens his eyes gently and laughs abit "Yeah sorry " he said and let's her go gently "that " she said rubbing her arm "Heh yeah...Come on let's go finish the movie " Wukong said Trying to get back to watch the movie Aoi nodded agreeing and the two go sit back down.

the two watch the movie as it continue on it gets to the part where Gaston Said that they should kill the beast and the Villagers agreeing Wukong was looking upset "Stupid mortals!! Belle just said He was kind and gentle!! And your just gonna believe Gaston aka Crazy Stalker narcissist man!? " Wukong yelled angrily and huffed.

it continue on the movie going good wukong cheered as the Servants beat up the Mob and Cheering on beast fighting Gaston and soon the scene where beast Climb up to Belle wukong smiled happily But it changes into Horror seeing Gaston stabbed beast it then change to anger and Aoi back up abit Immediately seeing its real anger "GASTON YOU BASTARD!! " Wukong shouted angrily Then Gaston falls off "YEAH THATS RIGHT FALL AND NEVER REINCARNATE!! " wukong yelled smirking seemingly happy that Gaston died but quickly frowns seeing as Belle dragged beast back on the balcony.

As Belle and beast talk as she hold him wukong immediately knew what was going on he didn't say anything but his expression says it all his ears lower with a sad expression as the beast then slowly closed his eyes accepting his death Belle sobbed and cried wukong shake his head gently hearing Belle sobbed and cry Then he notice the part where beast transform back into a human he was Surprised himself but smiled realizing what is happening "YES SCREW YOU GASTON HAHAHA!!! " he says thrusting his fist up clearly happy aoi giggled as wukong cheered happily she already knew that he indeed enjoyed the movie.

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