Chapter 44

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"Alright we are done! " wukong says looking at the packed bags Aoi and gabby smiled "well that's was quick so now what? " gabby asked Aoi shrugged until rinrin burst in "WUKONG HOLY SHIT!! " Rinrin shouted wukong turn "Rinrin? What's wrong? " wukong asked "its baika he is here!! "Rinrin yelled wukong froze and looked at gabby and Aoi.

" alright I need you two to stay here Rinrin make sure no one comes in I have a bad feeling..." wukong says as he leaves Rinrin stared at the two girls and waited.







As wukong walked outside he sees cai baika....the spiritual monkey of yin and Yang wukong sighs frustrated and puts up a happy aura "Baika my old friend how are you? " wukong asked smiling.

baika turns to wukong "oh I tell you how I am! I'm pissed! I heard of reports of the celestial realm something happened! A immortal peach was stolen the pills of immortality stolen! And the Furnace IS MISSING! And there has been other reports of people in the celestial realm! " baika yells storming up to wukong.

which made Wukong Remembered.....of MK and his friends having to go to the celestial realm to get ingredients to save the world but knowing baika he won't take that as a excuse he out of the 5 of the spiritual monkeys always had a stick up his ass.

"well why did you come to me then? " wukong asked "I know it has something to do with you it always does Every time something bad happens in the celestal realm it links to you or Something connected to you " baika says with anger growling in his voice.

"I don't know what to tell ya little bro I did nothing wrong besides I just been chilling here all alone " wukong says lying "uh huh sure but just know if you DO know who stole them or if I find out your lying you or someone will report back to me " baika says as he walks off.

"and what will you do? " wukong asked even though knowing the answer but just wanted to annoy baika since he was getting abit frustrated at the accusations of he stealing the furnace and immortal pills and peaches.

"MY job " baika says snapping harshly and flew off wukong stares for a moment to make sure baika was gone after awhile and frowns "that son of a bitch..." wukong growled abit angry.

now don't get wukong wrong he does care for baika since the two in the past where like brothers it just due to baika being a god of the celestial realm he turned into a complete asshole cause of him wanting to keep balance and stuff which makes it hard to get along with him Wukong sighed and decided to walk back inside.








Aoi and gabby waited as Rinrin stared at the entrance waiting for wukong to return but soon wukong came around the corner "is he gone?" Rinrin asked "yeah he is gone " wukong answered Rinrin sighed of relief "Thank god...." She said and walks out "hey gabby you know who baika is? " Aoi whispered to gabby "yeah I never really met up....well except this one time but he is basically one of this asshats best be careful around him " gabby whispered back wukong sighed rubbing the back of his neck "sorry about that.." wukong apologized to his mates.

"Oh it's alright wukong are you ok..? " Aoi asked worried "yeah i'm fine..just....need to relax abit..."wukong said going inside of the cabin Aoi and gabby looked at him worried and fellow him inside worried.

he went and flop on the empty couch closing his eyes Aoi looks at wukong frowning worried same goes for gabby the two girls try to think of a way to cheer wukong up until Aoi lighten up to a idea a smile creeps up her face she goes to gabby and whispers at the idea gabby smiles to but it more mischievous then aois who was sweet Aoi creeps up to wukong she touched his cheek he opens one eye to see Aoi staring at him he blushed abit at the loving touch of her hand on his cheek it made him crack a small smile.

"what you doing peaches...?"he playfully grumbled abit aoi sneaks abit closer to his face wukong thinks it's a kiss he gets more closer to her not noticing gabby sneaking up aoi opens her eyes seeing wukong ready to kiss her "now "she says wukong opens his eyes confused "huh?"he spoke then gabby tackles wukong and begin to tickle him he bursts out laughing

aoi join in the tickle making wukong laugh more but he managed to get his strength up and grab the two and pin them into the couch and begin to tickled them which made them laugh wukong was also still laughing as he tickled them and also playfully nibbling them after abit wukong stopped and pulled away as the two girls begin to catch their breath and place a kiss on both on the girls "got my kiss "wukong says playfully teasing.

he begin to snuggled up with the two girls "you evil fluff ball " gabby says "enough with the fluff thing already "wukong says tired due to being tickled gabby giggled "nope "she says playfully as the three snuggled up they begin to fall asleep.








Sun da was mediating once again enjoying the sounds of nature while he was at it until he heard something landed and footsteps "yo sun da been a long time "he heard he smiled and opened his eyes and turns to see the white furred monkey with the clover marking "hello JK it's nice to see you again " sun da greeted his old friend.

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