Chapter 29

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Chester and Wei head to the arcade walking threw the crowds Chester although was in his own mind and Wei knew Chester hasn't been doing well Wei sighed he doesn't know what to do chester seem so cold now and he doesn't like it he shakes his head gently trying to say in his mind it's been a hard time for everyone since of the attacks of demons and it is the anniversary of their dead uncle after all they just need a break and he is got to figure out how he notice they where at the arcade he shakes chester shoulder gently "hey bro we're here! "He says Chester looks up and smiled gently the two go in Wei payed to go in and looked amazed seeing the place "woooooaaaah now this is what you call a acrade "Wei said amazed Chester although does a hum sounding impressed.

"come on let's go fine some games to play " Wei says and quickly hurry's off chester fellows after him and the two started to play some acrade games they play on them for a hour until it was time for the laser tag they go to the line "alright chestnut I am gonna make a bet with ya "Wei said in a playful tone chester scoffs "I thought we both agreed you don't call me that "he says Wei chuckles "shhhhh I'm not done now whoever wins the laser tag game the loser pays for lunch "Wei said smirking Chester thinks about it "your on " he says agreeing on the bet.

as the two waited they managed to go in the room where people are given the rules and such as the two sit down chester notice sparrow is in the infont he didn't expect to see her here he sees she was chewing bubble gum waiting for the person to come in and get the rules set speaking of someone came in and give simple rules there are understandable and such it gives them the rundown of what's going on there will be 4 teams blue red yellow and green and they will be taken to their assign team.

after that was set the staff brings people into 4 groups Wei was in the blue team and chester Gets sent into the red team he notice sparrow is also in the same group as him he actually felt excited the groups all go into different rooms where there is the fake gun connected to the vest chester puts on the vest and holds the fake gun then he heard a chuckle he turn to see sparrow "well well I didn't expect ya to be here chester "she says he smiles and laughs abit "yeah me either! How are you sparrow? "He asked "I'm doing good I'm about to destroy the 3 teams with my badass skills! "She says Chester smirked "mind if I join ya? "He asked "sure besides we are teammates after all "she agreed then the speaker says the laser in 10 seconds sparrow smirk and walked to the door with Chester following her "just try to keep up "she added then the doors open and the two start to run to the stairs as the other team members split up.

as the round continued chester landed a few hits on people same goes with sparrow the two where doing well until sparrow push Chester into a wall due to almost getting shoot by a blue team mate which was Wei "ohhhhh cheeesss come out to playyyy hahahaha! "Wei speaks in a evil voice sparrow looks at Chester with a smirk "friend of yours? "She asked as she tried to shoot Wei down "ehhhh brother to be exact " Chester said sparrow looks around the area and notice a small pathway that would leave one of the two able to shoot Wei sparrow motions her head to the pathway chester looks and nodded and sneaks as sparrow continue to try shoot at Wei she was able to land a hit on him due to him dodging it.

"it's over I have the ground! "Wei says in a evil voice and laughs a evil laugh until he heard the buzzer from his vest meaning he got hit he turn to see Chester hit him Chester had a smug smirk on him Wei blinks in surprised "good job chester! You got him! "Sparrow praised chester Wei sighs "well alright then but don't this is over wait until I recharge heheheheheh " Wei says trying to go into the darkness until he his head on a wall.

he moves abit and leaves to a different pathway "you seen nothing "Wei says Chester laughs shaking his head sparrow walks up "come on let's go kick the others asses "she says and runs off to another pathway with Chester running after her after 15 minutes have passed the ringing sound came meaning the round is over it Also announces that red team won the teammates go back into the rooms they left and put away the vests and fake guns for the other people who want to play and chester and sparrow walk out heading back to the arcade.

"now that's what I call fun! "Sparrow says Chester notice wei walking out of another entrance for the blue team and walks to Chester he was about to say something until noticing sparrow "new friend of yours chester? "He asked his younger brother he nodded "this is sparrow "Chester introduced sparrow "well hello sparrow my names Wei and I guess you already know my bro chester "he said.

"well nice to meet you Wei and yeah I know chester here "she says "well then we better head off its lunch "Wei says walking off chester smirks "which also means you have to pay! "Chester teased then Wei does a frustrated groan just realizing he lost the bet chester does a chuckle "well see ya later chester " sparrow says and walks off chester fellows Wei out of the acrade to go get some lunch.


Aoi wakes up confused she rubs her head and see she is on a bed she looked around she already know that wukong must have took her to flower fruit mountain and that she probably passed out from exhaustion she yawns and gets up rubbing the back of her neck she walks around and see it's the cabin wukong lives in he seems to be off somewhere she doesn't know where she goes out and notice a new hole in the cave she was in she was confused but walks around she didn't really see much of flower fruit mountain after all.

she walked into some room and notice a broken wall on top there seem to be a painting of the head of wukong but the other wall pieces where gone she looked confused of why it was destroyed she had her theories but she decided to explore more she sees pillars and hears running water she then goes to a pathway which next to her was stone and the other was wall of running water on the ground was dirt and grass with small flowers and rocks it was enchanting almost she continued on until then she sees a huge wall of water she hums confused she then hears something she turn to see another path way she didn't notice before curious she walked up it had stone stairs it was a long way up.

soon she makes it to some huge cave with a big temple there was someone in the middle sitting in seemingly mediating it was a demon monkey he had two tails that slightly swished gently she heard a hum "so you must be aoi I am guessing " she heard she already knew it came from the demon monkey he gently turn to face her "I'm sorry I didn't mean to come here without a invitation "she apologized the demon monkey gently chuckled "it's alright it's not your fault besides I don't mind I rarely get any new visitors after all "he said not minding.

aoi then realized he knew her name "may I ask um...sir how do you know my name? "She says walking up to him slowly "my daughter rinrin told me of a human girl that wukong has been around lately and said that you were his new mate "he explained she blinks this must be wukongs father he told her about.

"and please just call me sun da "he says she sees as she walked up to him he was a very tall individual despite sitting down around 7ft or 8ft she guessed "I am guessing your looking for wukong? "He asked "yes sun da I don't know where he is "she answered "do not worry he is just training MK he will not be long "he said it seem to relax aoi "would you like something to drink? "He asked "oh sure "she says he gotten up and indeed he was around 8ft he walks into the temple she fellows him "what is this place? "She asked "my sons old temple you see due to some old memories that taunt him he give this place to me where I can stay and rest it can get often lonely but his subjects would come visit me "he explained as they walk he motions her to stop "wait here "he says and goes into a room after awhile he comes out with a cup of tea he handed to her she blows on it to cool it down and takes a sip "thank you sun da "she thank "of course "he said with a gentle smile he continues to walk out of the temple with aoi following him he sits back down and goes back to his mediation posture.

"you can wait here until wukong comes to fetch you "he says gentle "you don't mind if I am here? "She asked he chuckles gently "no I don't mind now please excuse me I must continue on my meditation "he says and he begins to meditate a slight red glow came from aoi looked amazement but gently sipped the tea and sit down on the ground waited for wukong.

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