Chapter 49

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Aoi wakes up confused...she felt her head ring in pain she looks around can't see anything in the dark "ah there you go dear your finally awake "she heard she gasp and looks around "who's there?! "Aoi yells panicking "oh just a old friend no need to be afraid my dear girl "she heard she tried to get up but she gets yanked back on the ground she looks and sees chains on her legs.

she trembles and looks back to see a face she gasp backing away she heard a chuckle "did I frighten you sweetheart? Heheh sorry didn't mean too "he says showing his face it was a monkey demon his skin was a grayish brown with black fur lapis eyes with a blue headband with the center of a white glowing pearl.

"w...who are you!? "She yelled he blinks and laughs "oh where are my manners li'ur Qiang the moon of the east at your service "he says as he bows "why did you bring me here? I did nothing! "Aoi asked more questioned "'s because out of boredom dear and knowing that taking you with bring your little friends into my direction so I can maybe have a little battle you know some fun! "He says as he summons a weapon a spear he looks back at aoi "but like a game there is sets of difficultIes and right now you my dear are the set of difficultly to the point I treat you like a guest....or a little toy "he said aoi froze shivering trying to back "now now dear this will only hurt abit just cooperate and I may not hurt you much..."he said and lifts his staff and lands a hit.


Wukong was not pleased to heard about Aoi kidnapping he was the opposite filled with rage he shouted at JK as his glamour glitched at the verge of falling off "HOW THE FUCK DID YOU LOSE HER!?! " wukong shouted at JK "Now now look it wasn't my fault my mountain is normally safe " JK says backing up nervously.

wukong just came down and started shouting at JK as Rinrin shakes her head "Look guys we don't have time for this! We got to go find Aoi before what ever that fucker plans to do! " Rinrin yells.

"WAY AHEAD OF YOU " wukong yells and quickly summons his somersault cloud and flys quickly off to JK island "Do I have to fly back.....again? " sage asked getting annoyed Rinrin sighed "no no hang on..." Rinrin says transforming into a huge eagle and flys around and grabs gabby and sage "Wait what about me!? " JK asked but Rinrin already flys off.

JK stares for a moment "no Rinrin it's fine I can get there by myself You can go on ahead and I will catch up yeahhhh" JK said "you know you can just-" " shut up ba " Jk said cutting general ba off and went off to help the others.















Aoi gets thrown into a wall she pants in pain as her jacket sleeve slips down her ribs was broken as blood drips down she could barely see as her vision blurred she tried to stand up but then qiang pins her into a wall his staff on her throat he clicks his tongue "No no no dearie don't leave yet I am not done with my little warm up " he whispered

"w...why...." Aoi asked whimpering "why what? " qiang questioned " " Aoi asked again he chuckled "I promised a old friend of mine that I will deliver a message sadly you won't know Right now but just know it will be very soon and I do hope you can handle....the lies That the gods and everyone you hold dear told you" he whisper in her ear.

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