Chapter 30

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Aoi was waiting for wukong while sitting next to sun da who was mediating he peeks at the girl and gently smiled and close his eyes "You know your one of the first humans who came here in a long time " he spoke finally breaking the silence "really? " she asked he nodded "There were only few humans who came to flower fruit mountain so we didn't see humans often yes there is MK but he is too busy training with my son But it's nice to have a visitor Come by time to time " he explained.

aoi takes the sip of tea and looks around there were stone walls with a waterfall next to the temple with a big tree blocking the shinning light on top of the ceiling the ground was mostly grass and dirt she had to say it was a very beautiful site she looks at sun da "I can remember the other visitors like it was yesterday Some where hunters others where friends It was like yin and Yang perfectly balanced "he spoke gently he seem to have a lot of wisdom.

aoi kind of found it interesting and looks around sun da opens his eyes "it seems it may take awhile till my son finish his training with MK I am sure he won't mind if you explore abit "he said Aoi turns to him "you sure? " she asked sun da chuckled "Of course besides I been his father for thousands of years so I am sure I would know my son although there are dangers of this mountains that wouldn't hesitate to attack you I will bring Rinrin to accompany you "he says getting up dusting off some of the dirt off him and walks to a hallway next to his temple "mind waiting here? " he asked "no no I don't mind " she said and sun da leaves.

aoi begins waiting for the ancient monkey she finished her tea and after afew minutes sun da came back with Rinrin "why it's nice seeing ya again Girly ready to explore the grand mountain? " she asked Aoi nodded and gets up sun da walks up to Aoi and grabs the cup gently out of her hands "be nice to her would you daughter? " he asks "of course father " she answered and he walks back into the temple "alright come on "she said and Aoi follows Rinrin in the hallway she sees a small seemingly abandoned village "what is this place? " she asked "Ah this is where My brothers subjects rest after hanging outside most of them are out right now " Rinrin explained.

the two walked till they where near a hole "hop on girly "Rinrin told Aoi crouching abit Aoi gets on Rinrin back and Rinrin jumps up threw the hole and landed on the rock to another until they where on the ground Aoi sees the beautiful green forest again she looks at it with wonder "Wow..."she muttered "yup now where should I take you this place is pretty big "Rinrin said thinking as she walks around but forgot to put Aoi down off her back "Uhh can I get off? " she asked "oh yeah sorry "Rinrin said realizing Aoi gets off her back and the two walk around as Rinrin think where to go first.

aoi stops seeing a Cave with a strange sign the words where in Chinese "hey what's that place "she questioned Rinrin turns and flinches "Oh uh...let's not go there Uh....The person who is in there doesn't like visitors....especially human visitors " she explained "someone is in there? " Aoi asked confused "just trust me on this one girly you do not wanna anger who is in there " Rinrin warned.

"well....alright then? " Aoi says as she walked away fellowing but looked sneakly behind her she sees two red eyes staring at her seemingly curious she flinches and turn back to Rinrin and quickly hurried.

after a hour Rinrin was showing Aoi some parts of the mountain "and this here is one of the many long rivers we have " she explained leading Aoi she looks at it.

the River had fish swimming in it and seem so clear it sparkled in the sun like white gems a log was also next to them leading to the other part of the mountain there was a small but wide waterfall on the side of the river the the trees stood tall and filled with flowers and fruit the ground had long grass with beautiful flowers poking out the sun was clear and warm while the air was breezing threw Aoi face.

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