Chapter 39

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Aoi and gabby where at the city chatting after yesterday the two decided to get to know each other more since they practically are now dating wukong together gabby laughed abit at the story Aoi was telling "yup and Wei never trusted hot sauce again "Aoi says "jeez I have to say your brother is a doofus "gabby says "no offense though "gabby added "ah none taken besides me and chester agree on that at times of Wei can be pretty silly at times "Aoi said "besides Wei doesn't mind being called it duyi used to call him that all the time "Aoi explained.

"well that's good" gabby said as the two walked and fiddling on the peach bracelet that wukong give her "Anyways so....what do you want to do? I heard there is a cafe Near by that has pretty good slushies " Aoi says "Even peach slushies I give one to wukong once and of course loves it " Aoi added whispering to gabby and of course gabby smirks "of course he does he loves anything that are peach flavored "gabby said shaking her head the two girls laugh until they stopped seeing something up ahead as they walked up ahead.

seeing up ahead there something going on they go walk up to see a police car and a cop and a store owner "Look sir we are trying to best we ca-" "WELL ITS NOT GOOD ENOUGH ITS NOT LIKE MY SHOP HAS BEEN ROBBED FOR DAYS!! AND YOUR SUGGESTING I SHOULD KEEP LOCKS ON!?" the angry store owner said Aoi and gabby looked confused.

the Store owner notice Aoi and gabby staring he sighs and looked at the cop not wanting to embrass himself in public "Fine....I will add more locks.." he says and walks back to the store mumbling the cop looks at the two girls he also sighed and goes back into the cop car Aoi and gabby blink and look to see what seems to be a car shop was practically destroyed stripped till there was nothing left.

"holy shit..." gabby spoke under her breath in shock "who could done that? " she added Aoi Thinks for a moment there has been the attack of the spider queen could it.....


As Aoi and gabby think they didn't notice in the near by Alleyway someone or a duo is pulling a motorcycle out of the sewer "Careful! Your gonna put on a scratch on her " one said.

"well exuuuuuuse me princess I didn't steal a motorcycle and decided to keep it " the other sarcastic says "ah shut up and just help me get to the street " one said as they pulled it to the entrance to the Alleyway.

"there we go You ready to have some fun? " one of them says putting on the helmet on "Ohohohoho yesssss hehehehehe oh this will be fun..." the person says as they both get on the motorcycle......

"Let's go"


Aoi and gabby looked confused until they heard some sounds of a motorcycle they turn to see two people driving by some puddle and splashing both gabby and aoi getting the two wet and the people on the motorcycle drive off laughing at their prank on the two

this reasonably upset gabby  "WELL FUCK YOU TOO ASSHOLES!! " she shouted angrily Aoi shivers abit from the cold wetness in the cold wind "jeez nerve of some people....are you alright Aoi? " gabby asked noticing aoi

"yup....just cold..." Aoi says gabby sighs patting her shoulder "come on let's go back at your place to get a towel..." gabby said patting Aoi back as the two walk off.....


MK and mei just came out of the Acrade "boy that was fun especially kicking your ass 5 times " mei says smirking MK laughs "well wasn't my fault I got distracted " MK excused himself.

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