Chapter 4

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*a month later...*

I carefully grab my bag and put water bottles and food and snacks in the fridge "And what do you think your doing? "

I sigh and turn to see Wei "Look I know you been Trying to figure out What's going on but I don't want you to get hurt! " wei explains

"Look I'm not doing that I'm just going on a Adventure you know hiking, " I kinda lied

he sighs "alright then be careful... " he says I nodded "of course I will, "

I quickly run out of the house and headed outside and run quickly to the mountains I checked everywhere else to find my answers on what happened a month again and a week ago the mountains must have my answer.

as I ran like the speed of the wind I managed to get to the entrance of the Forest I wipe sweat off my head and walk slowly to it And see two path ways I decided to go right Running like the speed of the wind once again.


I sigh and sit down on a cliff taking a drink of my water bottle I been running for awhile and I'm just currently taking a break I take a bite of my peach chips tasting the Yummy peach flavored chips.

i hear the waterfall near me Blast loudly threw the river below i sigh and stare at the big forest and the mountain I'm trying to head too

i gulp my water bottle again sighing and put my stuff back in my bag and continue to run I wonder what time it is If only i brought my phone after I realized I forgot it.

I climb down to the River below and continue to run towards the mountain I stop hearing something I turn and see a bird Staring at me I sigh of relief scared me a second I continue to walk Around I should be careful aleast since I don't know much of this forest.

i Sometimes see animals though or aleast hear them I walk around the place Looking around seeing anything I can use for hint of what that was And who the demon bull family is I don't really know much of the legends around here but it must mean something.


I look more around and Can't find anything or the way I came from and I already know deep inside I'm lost Wei is going to kill me Unless the animals do first.

i sigh and sit down and grab my bag of peach chips out of my bag I grab a chip then something grabs it and I look and sees it's the bird I saw earlier "Hey! " I yell out but it eats the chip already i sigh smirking

Of course I place the bag down offering the chips to the bird it quickly goes to it and sniffs it and eats them "you must really like peach chips friend? "

the bird gulps the chips down I smile seeing the bird having lunch? I think?

i sigh and look around and back at the bird who ate all the chips This bird must have been hungry

It looks back up at me As I stretch "well I better go find My way out or aleast find out What was that light from a month ago "

I grab my bag and empty bag of peach chips and put them in And continue walking.


I see it's almost sunset Meaning I been here way too long wish I brought camping gear I walk down A trail that wasn't really a hiking trail but a trail

I continue to walk around It's getting dark and I will have to adjust the darkness Around me.

i hear Only my footsteps and a river near by and some of the animals about to sleep and the animals of the night about to wake up.

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