Chapter 52

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(Before we start I wanna say a little update I have a new partner who is a friend who is gonna be working other monkie kid fanfics that are connected to path of Hope but if you don't want to be spoiled for future chapters such as plans for season 4 and season 3 ETC then I suggest not reading them yet I fully suggest reading their work they make really good fanfics )

Its been afew days after wukong left small little drama stuff happened such as the sleep bug accident and other small threats although.

that is not we are focusing on right now Aoi is currently researching the journey to the west thing After the encounter with qiang she has a gut feeling he won't be the only threat targeting her so she is looking threw known enemies of wukong.

such as the yellow robe demon the python demon and the sixed eared macaque and other things she wants to feel prepared for any threat although she wants to figure out how to defend herself since she knows her friends family or wukong would be around to save her anytime.

maybe she can ask gabby for training probably? She got up she knows gabby is out maybe she can run into her she goes out and gets dressed and goes out of her room she sees Wei still sitting on the couch staring at the window she frowns and thinks for a moment and gasp getting a idea and looks back "hey Wei "she called out he looks over.

"wanna come with me I'm going for a walk "she offers he looked over surprised but smiled happily finally someone wants to spend time with him besides it would get his mind off the drama from the city "I would love that sis! Hang on let me get ready " he says.

he goes to his bedroom Aoi waited till he comes out wearing a Friday the 13 shirt with his casual blue headband Aoi goes and puts her boots on and the two head out.

They go down the stairs and head outside wei pulls out his car keys "alright let's go " he says "nope " Aoi spoke as she was about to walk "HEY HEY where ya going " wei asked "wei there is traffic we're walking "Aoi explained.

"WALKING!? " wei yells "yup " Aoi says then wei Frowns and sighs "finnnne...." He grumbled and the two walk on the sidewalk they chat for abit "you know Aoi wanna know what trucks are for? " wei asked Aoi giggles abit " oh what would that be exactly " she says playfully "ITS FOR DRIVING YOU KNOW WITH THE HONK HONK!! " he said loudly Aoi giggled "come on! It's nice to walk even on a nice day like this! Besides we could go take afew stops like go visit Hong get afew books to read! " Aoi explained.

wei rolls his eyes "finnnnnne.....I hope she got that new Jurassic park book I been wanting to see..." wei mumbles they head to hong library but as they go in Aoi accidentally bumped into someone the girl gasp "oh my goodness I'm so sorry miss! "Aoi apologized "no no it's fine it's fine....ah where my glasses... "

she looks to see a black haired girl who is on the ground looking for her glasses Aoi notices the glasses and gives them to the girl she puts them on and she opens her eyes Aoi was surprised to see her eyes where deep ocean blue to the point it almost look....unnatural "thank you miss now please excuse I'm in a hurry " she says and gets up holding onto her bag that is probably filled with books and walks away.

"you ok Aoi? " wei asked noticing Aoi confusion Aoi nodded "yeah it just....her eyes looked strange..." Aoi explained "like what? " he asked "like nothing bad but....never mind come on let's go find some books " Aoi says excusing herself but still had a weird feeling.

they go to see Hong cleaning her desk she looks up "ah wei Aoi it's lovely to see you both again! You come to look for some books " she asked Aoi and wei nodded "i like to see if there are any....more Chinese myths please " aoi asked.

"and you know I am here to see if you have the new Jurassic park book " wei says as he leans and winks playfully Hong laughs at the boys goofiness "Well yes actually fellow me Oh! And the Chinese myths are in the otherside of the library you can't miss it! " hong told Aoi.

"thank you Hong! " Aoi says and walks to the other side of the library as Hong leads wei to go find that Jurassic park book she walked and walked seeing among thousands and thousands of books that almost seem endless.

she then sees a section of Chinese myths she walks in and goes looking for any myths she notice one in particular she grabs it and it's cover was of course wukong she sighs she won't deny she misses him alot And hope he will come back home soon.

"Well I see you're a fan of Journey to the west? " Aoi turns to see a golden haired boy with black skin blessed with freckles "oh yes....and your are? " Aoi asked "Oh I'm p.....Rui my name is rui! I work here this is basically my first day here honestly " he says giggling rubbing his neck "well it's a pleasure to meet you rui! My name is Aoi " Aoi introduced herself rui smiled gently "the pleasure is all mine so is there anything you need looking for? " he asked.

"oh well I wanna research about myths of China like gods demons all that " Aoi explained "ah I see well I think I know a particular one for you! " he said and leads her to a book called ancient gods and demons of China.

"i read this book many times and I think it will interested you! " he says "well thank you rui your too kind! " Aoi thanked him "nah it's nothing come on I will check it out for you " he says and the two head to the main desk he checks out her book "there you go all set! " he says "thank you rui " Aoi says he nodded and then sees wei and Hong.

"ah Aoi I see you already met rui! How are you? " she asked "I'm doing great miss sanzang " he answered Aoi watch as Hong checked out wei book "there you both are all set to go anything else? " she asked.

" no no but thank you miss Hong it's best me and Aoi leave now hope to see you again! " wei said waving bye " alright then bye! " hong says rui waves goodbye as well same goes with Aoi and the two exit out the library.

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