Chapter 27

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Chester was walking to relax after some training with macaque although he can't get that raven furred golden eyed monkey out of his head he wonder why he then accidentally bump into someone "oh I'm so sorry! "He says he heard a girl laugh and see it's a girl with headband with cat ears "it's fine no need to apologize "she said she looked him up and down "you new this part of town? "She asked he nodded "yeah I'm Chester "he says "nice to meet ya there chester names sparrow "she introduced herself "like the bird? "He asked she nodded "yup my family really loves birds so they name me and my slibngs after birds "she says shrugging "anyways I see ya heading somewhere? "She asked "oh yeah! I'm heading to a shop I heard of " he answered. "I think it's called ancient artifacts museum " Chester added.

sparrow laughed "I'm actually heading there too! Wanna walk there together? "She asked Chester smile "sure! I don't mind " he says and the two walk there already getting along as they walked there they got to know each other more and more "so you do practice witchcraft? " Chester asked "yup! It's real fun to do all the cool witch shit although I wish I could do something more cool like shooting fire out of my hands "sparrow said as she had her hands in her pockets on her hoodie Chester laughed.

"that honestly would be so cool! "He says " yup and I would be a total badass like some fire witch or some shit "she says "so anyways how long have you been here at china ches? " she asked "oh I only been here for a few months you? "He asked. "I always lived here but I just moved into the city 3 months ago "she says " even there is danger going on? "He asked she chuckles.

"don't worry I am capable of taking care of myself I may not look like it but I can do some badass kung fu "she joked then stopped "oh where here! "She says they notice they are indeed at the museum they go in.

"oh hello miss sparrow and her new friend I suppose? "A girl says Chester nodded "I'm Chester nice to meet you miss...? " Chester trailed off "gloria and this guy here is Rico "she says looking down as a lizard pop out of her pocket "anyways I'm guessing the usual crystals sparrow? "She asked "yup " sparrow answered and peeks at Chester "oh and I will like to look more of the museum please " he asked "alright then! "She says sparrow then pays for it chester though notice a lot of money "here's the money for the crystals and museum tour for Chester here "she said "oh you don't have too sparrow "Chester says surprised "please I insist "sparrow said as she looked at Chester then Gloria went and give sparrow crystals as Chester sees there are amethysts and obsidians and more "I will go get luohou to give you the tour "Gloria says as she gotten up and goes in the back sparrow turns to Chester.

"so what's with the want for a tour? "She asked Chester flinched as he remembered why he was there to find if they is maybe hints of wukong weakness or like more info of the lady bone demon "oh just curious on stories there and there "he said " ah I see I can't blame you I'm into that too "she said "also "she added she pulls out a note and write something on it and handed at him "here's my number in case you wanna hang out again "she explained "oh I would love that! "Chester said smiling he adds a "thank you! " she nodded with a smirk "anyways I better head off see ya ches! "She said and walks away.

chester smirks and grabs his phone and added in his contacts then he notice someone come out of the back room "hello Chester right? I'm luohou the owner here your here for the tour yes? "He asked Chester nodded and puts the note and phone away "alright come with me "luohou says walking into the museum section chester looks around abit "so what would you like to see first? "Luohou asked "is there any monkey king stories? "Chester asked.

"oh! Monkey king fan? "Luohou asked smiling chester cringed at that "not really...I just wanna hear more info on the guy "Chester said pulling the lie out of his ass "oh I see! Well fellow me! "luohou says leading Chester to the part of the museum with the stuff of monkey king Chester stopped noticing a painting of a black figure looking demonic and the other that had golden color with a red cape "what's this? " he asked.

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