Chapter 3

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*few weeks later...*

I am currently sitting next to chester who is practicing his guitar and also singing I need a hero by skillet but a more gentle like verison I smirk as He finished the song i Cheered "Bravo bravo!! "

He laughs Abit smirking I decided to turn on the TV he puts the guitar down "So what do you wanna watch? " I ask Chester he shrugs but I stop and stare at the Tv hearing the news channel it makes those buzzing Noises And words show.

"We interrupt Your streaming service To bring News to evacuate The city immediately there is a dangerous threat attacking People, "

i froze not able to read more as fear Took over my body "uh....Wei? "I yelled scared

he runs to the other side of the house and we hear him rampaging his stuff "he must have heard it on the radio in the kitchen..." Chester suggested.

We see wei has keys for his truck we got up and quickly went out We quickly went down and wei shoves the door open and we see a flying Car almost hitting Wei's car And we hear a demonic laugh

Wei quickly slides threw the front of his car to get to the other side of his truck and opens the door we quickly get in and he starts the car and backs away and drives off Quickly.

We felt our hearts beating and sweating wei turns on the radio For any update although I don't pay attention

we hear destruction behind us and some people running I started to hyperventilate Chester rubs my back as a way to comfort

"a....are we going to die...? "

"Well-" "No Not on my watch we are gonna make it we are gonna be safe My Slibings will be safe even if it's the last thing I do " Wei says with anger in his voice probably because He doesn't want to be in this situation I see as we past by broken building cars and such and can....even smell blood I gag and I try not to throw up.

Chester froze at the smell of blood wei Drives more faster noticing how uncomfortable we are "Are....are the people gonna be ok...? "

"Yea they are just injured " He says like I was a child Afraid of a monster under my bed I know he just trying to calm me down but....

i sigh I already know some are dead either on purpose or by accident I feel my body shiver in fear tears roll down my eyes chester is looking out of the window to see if there is any danger as wei drives quickly to get us out of the city


We are out of the city and trying to find the best place to either hide and wait Since Wei gas is empty He says he can get gas on the way but I don't think there is one near so we would be stuck there

I sigh and hummed to myself Everything stays it's a song that cheers me up abit Then we hear a blast we turn to see it's direction It's a white light.

"what the hell is that...?" Then it stopped We stare at it for a few seconds then the radio speaks out

"Update on the megapoils Rampage A young man has defeated the Monster who calls himself demon bull king Could this Be the Demon bull king From the legends Could the boy be sun wukong the monkey king? or could this be a new wukong...? Or something new...? "

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