Chapter 47

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The party continues on as Aoi ate a peach as gabby was leaning on a wall listening to music it was a peaceful and fun party but something felt off Aoi couldn't put her finger in on it.

its probably just anxiety due to the many attacks of demons at home Or probably she isn't used to the wild of this place she sighed then she heard something she looks at the entrance out of the room.

she looks back at the others and walks to see what the sound was she goes in the hallway no one was there she rubbed her head confused "hey aoi! "

she flinches and turns to see....JK? "Oh you scared me JK "Aoi says sighing of relief "Ah my apologies I tend do that sometimes you alright through? You seem like you saw a ghost " he asked Aoi nodded " yeah it just....abit spooked abit due to the attacks at the city you may have heard? " Aoi said "ah I see I wouldn't blame you demons can be....very imitating " he said.

"But don't worry I know somewhere were you can ease that anxiety so would you mind to take a walk with me? " he asked "oh sure? " she says.

They go out of the temple as JK hums a song as they walked away from the temple....








gabby was looking over were Aoi had left "hey gabs! " JK asked coming over "where's Aoi I just looked over and see she is gone " he said "I don't know maybe she is exploring the place I haven't known her long but I seen she is quite a curious explorer " gabby said.

"well even if that's true my mountain is a very easy place to get lost so I'm just go check on her feel free to join "JK said walking out of the temple gabby fellows him deciding to join.....









Aoi was looking around seeing they are getting deeper in the jungle as JK hums that song she looks at him "uh JK not to be rude but....are you sure you know where you're going? " Aoi asked anxious he does a chuckle "Don't worry my dear I know where to go we're almost there " he said she couldn't see his face but she can feel the smirk on him.

"Um ok...?" She says he continued to hum that song then they make it to a cave "here we go we're here " he announced "um....a dark giant cave? "Aoi asked confused he does a quiet chuckle "Oh this isn't just some ordinary cave Aoi Come take my hand and I will show you..." he says turning around and lifting his hand towards her to take she hesitates but takes his hand.

He then slowly pulls her into the cave keeping that smirk as the darkness slowly swallow them both up until...."Aoi? Hey girly! Where are you? " she heard....JK?

She turn to the direction then JK appears from afar calling out to her with gabby also calling her out Aoi heart stopped her mouth dry she slowly turn to him....

She couldn't see his face but she felt him staring at her and his grip tightening to the point blood was dripping her breath became shaky as she could barely see who ever this was....she then see a smirk slowly crept to his face then.....

a scream was heard JK and gabby turned to it "AOI?! " gabby shouted and the two ran to the cave gabby pulls out her phone and turns on the phone light to one see....small bits of blood......

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