Chapter 2

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I watch the city before me It was beautiful all the poeple of the city Looking like they having a great day sun was shining Bright in the sky

wei laughs Knowing how amazed I am "Yup take it all in This place is amazing! "He says smirking and does a voice a impression of John Hammond from Jurassic park "welcome to megapolis, "

i laugh "you watch too many dinosaur movies, "i say glancing at my brother.

he laughs "Well what can I say? Dinosaurs are cool! "

i smirk laughing then sigh "I mean Come on a movie about a dinosaur zoo? Dinosaurs hunting Poeple? Who could not love a movie of that! " he says smirking as he continue to watch the road

I just look out of the window seeing people going about their day either good or bad then I feel we stopped "alright we are here! " I hear I turn and see a huge apartment I got out of the car and stare at it wei unlocks the door goes in i follow in after as he closes it I am looking around The place Had Faded yellow wallpaper brown wooded floors with afew lanterns to light up the place

We go upstairs until I think we are on the 7th floor? I lost count cause I was distracted of the place we walk down the hallway and I notice a person who open a door to their apartment "Hey Bao!! " wei says smiling the man turns and smiles and does sign language damn I don't know much of sign language yet.

but as I can tell from his appearance he Seems to be a monk and mute "Oh yeah this is my sister I told you about, "

I was drag out of my thoughts when my brother said that Bao smiles and does sign language again wei came close to me and whispers "he says hello, "

I smile and wave hello "anyways leaving for your sessions? " wei asks bao nodded and waves goodbye and goes downstairs wei waves bye and quickly turns to me "Alright Aoi it's time to look And see your new home with your best brother in the world, " Wei says smirking

he unlocks it and opens the door I go in and see a living room with a couch and a big TV with the table on the middle and A window that shows outside there are two hallways that are on each side the walls Where a faded white color while the ground was A dark brownish wood I take off my boots and place them on the side and Look around I go to the hallway on my left and see it's a kitchen with A pattern like wallpaper the ground was Abit of a lighter brown I look at the hallway and see It has a window too also a Table with some Stuff like plants and a coffee mug.

i walk at the other end of the hallway where are four doors I go to the closest one and see it's a bedroom it has a window a Big bed with a beanbag and a counter with some bookshelf's "Oh right that is your room sis! " wei yells across the apartment noticing me stare at it I smile and go in looking around I also see next to my bed is a door that leads to the balcony Sweet!

I sit down laying on the soft bed staring at the aesthetic dark blue walls and feeling the nice darkish black carpet floor between my fingers as I let my arm down

i smile and sigh at the comfortable bed feeling the nice pillow on my head and the soft the blankets I get up and decide to look at the other rooms I go to the one across my bedroom and see it's the bathroom It had pale teal walls with grey teal floors with the match set of a black bathtub and sink and toilet and cabinet and also mirror I look at the bathtub it's pretty big.

i go out and go to the door next to the bathroom and open and see..."Chester? "I say

they look at me away from their phone "aoi? " they say in shock and we both smile and tackle eachother with a hug "AOI!!! I thought you were coming to move in tomorrow but this is great!! " Chester yells happily crying we both laugh and continue to hug eachother tightly "How is my big sister! Is she doing well? " they ask I laugh "oh don't worry she's been doing great! "I say smirking

we both laugh "what's with ya laughing? "Wei asks as he walks in even though he already knows the answer "sorry bro Family reunion " Chester says smirking.

wei hums and then tackles both of us with hugs we laugh and giggle at our slibing hug.

we let go after a hour "anyways I'm guessing the last room is your room? "I say smirking he nodded "anyways come on let's get your stuff unpacked....after we get it upstairs "

we burst out laughing and nodded


We place the last box down and I wipe off any dust or dirt off myself

I notice Wei doing something on his Phone it rings is he calling someone? I hear it answer but I couldn't make out what it is saying

"Hi can I get a uh.....some Lo mein for three people And that's it! "

I hear someone say something "alright thanks bye! " Wei says then ends the call "now Aoi for your first day here I'm gonna give you the best noodles IN THE ENTIRE WORLD it's a restaurant called pigsy noodles and the noodles Just melts into your mouth! " he says as he drools

"he is right they are really good! " Chester adds "thanks for telling me Anyways tell me when the food gets here I'm gonna go unpack "i say

they nodded and I go to my room and place my stuff in it


I yawn stretching well I'm done I then hear a knock on the door I walk over and Wei opens the door and It shows a young man With a bandanna "Pigsy noodles! " he announces

"Hey MK! " Wei greets "Hello Mr wei! " MK says and hands him the bag of noodles and wei gives him yaun "thanks have a nice day MK, " Wei says

"you too Mr Wei," MK says as he walks back downstairs and Wei closes the door and place the bag on the counter.

"who was that? " I ask "that is MK I'm a daily costumer of pigsy noodles So during the time I got to know MK who is the delivery boy of the restaurant He is a good kid! " Wei says

I sit down so does chester Wei pulls out three boxs and opens them a good smell hits my nose hard I grab the chopsticks and take a bite out of the noodles and gulp it "Wow it does taste good! "I say

"I know right! It's delicious, " Wei says as we eat our lunch Making some jokes and talk

After we were done wei grabs the empty boxes i sigh stretching Chester looks at his phone "Oh Im gonna be late for work! See ya guys! " Chester says getting up grabbing a Guitar case next to the couch and walks down

I look confused "oh right Chester Works at this Bar at times to play on his guitar, "

"oh I didn't know! " I say " Yeah he just like to keep the job and work topic low He doesn't like mentioning it, " Wei says sitting down on the couch and putting on a show I hear a theme song I turn and see a monkey?

I got up and sit on the couch "who's that? "I say confused "Oh Right this is monkey king the animated series It's about this cool myth About a guy name Sun wukong Who lives in Flower fruit mountain with his monkeys MK is a big fan of the story, " Wei explains

i hum understanding "well that's good to know, "i say I stretch "well I'm gonna go take a shower have fun watching monkey king animated series, " i say as I got up and head to the shower

"Alright have fun! "

I go in and take off my clothing And go into the tub and turn on the water I shiver feeling cold water hit my back I slowly turn it to Warmer water where it's just right i sigh feeling the warmth water hit my skin I grab some shampoo and begin to wash my hair I feel the bubbles and my hair threw my fingers.

i sigh as I believe it was wash enough i rinse it down I feel my hair smoother I go and wash my body I grab some body wash and washed my body with the soap after that I rinse it down.

i turn of the shower and grab a towel and dry off my hair and my body and I go grab my Pjs which was a Cat style I put on my sweater and shorts with black and red striped leggings and brush my hair and my teeth after I was done I went out and hearing my bro cheering.

Sighing knowing how he gets I went into my room and close the door and sit back and lay down

Well I know I'm gonna like it Here....

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