Chapter 46

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Aoi and gabby and JK are heading to the jungle mountains on a friend of his name Sage who is a dragon they flew in the sky and soon they landed at the beach they get off sage and they turn from a black dragon into their human form "thanks doll face " JK thanked sage " heh your welcome old friend hope you two girls have fun " sage says and walks off waving bye.

Aoi and gabby look and see the amazing sigh tall trees The sounds of the jungle ring threw the air JK takes a deep breath and walks ahead "come on ladies this way this way" JK said.

Aoi and gabby fellow JK as they walk they see monkeys gorillas up on the trees staring down at them but making noises as cheering for their king return.

"Hello my dear subjects! Yes yes it's nice seeing you all two don't mind the two humans behind me by the way they are my guests " JK said talking to them as he leads them to gods knows where.

"where are we going? " Aoi asked "To my temple the Jade and stone jungle temple" JK answered As they walk as they do they started to hear music drums beating as the monkeys made noises as more seem to see their king is back.

Gabby then gasp surprised at the huge ruined stone temple covered in jade direction as moss grew on it it was very big they go up the stairs and go in seeing the monkeys feasting and playing music JK smirked "now this is home " he said to himself.

JK announced himself and his monkeys cheer and greet him with gifts such as treasures and Food Aoi and gabby blinks and smiled looking around although Aoi stopped seeing something catching her eye she turn to see it was nothing she looks confused "Hey you good Aoi? " gabby asked Aoi looks at her "oh yeah it just....nothing come on let's get something to eat we really haven't eaten much of anything today " Aoi suggest gabby nodded and they go to the snack area as they hear the music while JK and the monkeys sing.


Wukong yawn waking up stretching feeling something poking him "hey little bro wake up dad wants to talk to ya! " he heard Rinrin says "Can he wait for five minutes.....I'm trying to sleep..." wukong grumbles and tries to move away "it's about the lady b-" wukong Immediately woke up and quickly cut Rinrin covering her mouth "Shut up! What you're trying to do- wait where is gabby and Aoi? " wukong says noticing his mates are no where to be seen.

"they left cause dad wants to privately talk to you "Rinrin explained "fine...where is he?" Wukong asked " he is in one of his walks waiting for you " Rinrin says.

wukong got up "alright then...I'll be right back.." wukong said and walk to where his father is.


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