Chapter 14

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Wei sighs rubbing his head looking at the news seeing the missing girl Bai he it said that she gone missing after the defeat of demon bull king although hearing that means something is wrong and he doesn't like it

He rubs the back of his neck but he stops hearing his phone ring he looks and see it's a text from Bao asking has he heard the news he grabs it and writes He has heard the news of the missing little girl

Not long after Bao quickly texts back he feels like something isn't right in this That a girl goes missing after the defeat of Demon bull king can't be a coincidence and that he and his slibings should be careful during this

wei says That bao be safe too and puts down the phone he should talk to Aoi about being safe She plans on visiting her friend again but wei needs to tell her To just be safe and to just head there do whatever She wants to do and head back here quickly as possible

fortunately she just putting her shoes on "hey uh Aoi I know your about to leave but I need to talk to you for a second" wei nervously says "Oh what is it? " she questions "So have you heard of the missing girl Bai he? " wei asked she nodded

"Well since she gone missing When that Demon bull guy Was defeated I suggest to be very VERY careful! And just head to your friends house do whatever your gonna do and head straight back " wei says Explaining Aoi smiles "Hey don't worry wei I'm gonna be fine! My friend will protect me " she says

"I know But please for my Sake I don't wanna lose anyone else..." wei says frowning Aoi looks at him with a knowing look and sighs "Alright then Wei " she says "Good thank you sis " he says the two hug and then aoi leaves after putting her shoes on

wei smiled but it fade to a more concern look He worried about that little girl missing and what will happen now after the demon bull king defeat

he goes and sits down he turns on the TV maybe watching some TV would calm him down....

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Chester is currently leaving Johnson's Bar, he rubs the bruise on his arm thanks to his boss. he sighs and opens the door and begins to head back home heading to his shortcuts "well well isn't it chester." he heard. he turned and saw that it's macaque, who is leaning on a wall with that robe he had. he smiled seeing that macaque seems to be doing well after he aided him.

"macaque! What are you doing here? " he asked as he walks up to him confused and thought why he is here but stops noticing his bruises he pulled his sleeve down quickly but unknown to Chester macaque noticed and thinks for a moment before getting up from his spot.

"Well I had check on the Guy who one is helping me save the world and two Helped me with my injuries " he says as he walks up to Chester "also something with your arm there I notice you have been rubbing it " he asked "Oh no no! Heh Its just sore I had a long shift " Chester quickly denies rubbing the back of his neck but Macaque noticed the bruises immediately on his arm as some of the sleeve slipped up.

"So the bruises are nothing? " he asked. Chester gulps and sighed "Well you caught me red handed it just....My boss wasn't much happy with me today...." He explained "it may seem pity but It helps me Pay for the apartment " he explained. macaque Eyes immediately look pissed but sighs and thinks for a moment he immediately grabs Chester's hands gently and lift up the sleeves to see A lot of bruises like someone grabbed him "How far does he go..? " Macaque asked.

"Well he just goes far of grabbing me tightly but that's all Heh this is embrassing isn't it..? " Chester asked looking away. Macaque stares at him and sighs. Stupid mortal Doesn't he Realized this type of situation can be dangerous he should know he was hurt like this from some people who are like his boss.

he plucked his hair and it turns into a ice pack. "whoa.." chester says with astonishment. Macaque puts the ice pack on his arms and chester whines abit "Consider us even " he said.

chester laughs abit "Thanks " he says "No problem " macaque said frowning looking at his injury he thought for a moment and smirk "Hey chester I need you to meet me at the shadowplay theater I have afew plans to stop that great sage " He asked "Oh of course! At what time? " he asked

"let's say....8:01 AM it's when the place closes so not many would come just afew fans there and there " he explained "Of course I'll see you then! " he explained and runs off but when he was alone Macaque Smirked. "Yeah....Just got to run a little Errand, I'm sure it won't be so hard to find that boss for a quick chat right? Besides someone needs to taught the bastard a lesson...." he says and darkly chuckles.....

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A man in his 50s takes a sip of his whiskey, rubbing his head. That stupid boy is late he thought It's not even that hard to be on time.

he adjusted his suit and decided to turn on the radio as the fan blew air into the hot office. The radio explained the news of the missing girl Bai he And peoples theories of where she could be and that the police are looking for her immediately. the man rolled his eyes and changed channels. it played some music that calmed his stress.

he stops hearing the radio buzzing noise he glared at it and smacks it trying to get it started but it continued to buzz. he groans in anger and got up but noticed that outside looks....dark?

He looked confused until he heard the Music change. it sounds like the start of that run rabbit run song from 1939.

He looks at it confused "What the hell..? " he says under his breath. it then cuts to black and to purple, the guy looks around terrified and confused. As the music gets louder the man quickly runs to the door trying to open it.

"That won't work."

He froze and turned around quickly only to see no one there. "WHOS THERE SHOW YOURSELF!! " the man shouted, trying to sound brave but failing.

He heard swoosh sides he kept turning trying to follow the noise panicking "GET OUT HERE YOU COWARD!! " The man shouted terrified. he then backs away to a wall until he heard a dark imitating laugh. he turned and froze in fear seeing some shadow of some creature staring at him.

"surprise! " he says and immediately punches him in the face appearing right infont of him and knocks him so hard he almost broke the door when he launched him from that one punch macaque stared at the man who was knocked out and had a broken nose.

So this was the guy? He was nothing but Just the same A weak mortal trying to be brave and big and bad. he found it distasteful, he spits at the guy and quickly leaves hearing someone walking down the hallway Besides he should prepare for Chester to the shadowplay theater....

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