Chapter 63

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Chester thought about what Macaque was saying. "Shadow magic is a form of dark magic that not many are able to use. I can use it but someone I knew ages ago can use it as well. It looks cool, but it's not a blessing. It's a curse. It corrupts the user. Twists their mind until they become a monster. One that only lives to feed his own desires. Their humanity stripped away until they're nothing more than a husk." This only made him more curious. Because how did his mate know about that when he didn't? "Macaque, what are you talking about?" He asks, looking at the Celestial Monkey with a raised eyebrow.

"Dark magic is its own sect of magic that has many branches. Shadow magic is one of those branches. Another branch is necromancy. Necromancy being the power over the dead. That kind of magic is considered a major taboo because it goes against the balance of Yin and Yang. Those that have the curse of Necromancy, are often cursed and considered abominations in the eyes of the living." He explains while looking a little bit on edge. Then again speaking of dark magic always made him uneasy. Didn't help that people were pretty hush-hush on the concept of dark magic.

Chester looks at him. "So what you're saying is that my magic will corrupt me? It's gonna twist me into a monster?"

The Six Eared Simian looks at him before shaking his head. "No. No, it won't. As long as you're loved, the curse has no chance of corrupting you. It's how I'm able to be somewhat in control of myself." He adds, hoping that would be enough for him. He didn't want to have to go into deeper detail. He didn't want to have to go through those memories. Memories of what happened to his family.

Chester nods. "It's okay my Shadow Knight. If speaking of this is giving you anxiety and panic; we don't have to speak anymore on this. Your comfort is just as important as mine is. How about we just relax? That sound good?" He suggests, not wanting to push Macaque's boundaries in a way that would hurt the shadow monkey.

Macaque silently nods before allowing Chester to hold him. It felt...nice to be held.


Meanwhile in the city, there was a young woman walking towards Pigsy's noodles. She had a small cooler filled with some vegetables from her shop. From carrots to some nice cabbages, and a few more things. She hadn't been able to visit the noodle shop since MK started to do more demon related things. Walking into the shop, she could see the back of Pigsy's head as well as hear the ramblings of Tang. "Sunflower? Daffodil? Is this a bad time?" She calls out as she set down the cooler.

Pigsy stopped and set the knife down. Wiping his hands clean, he walks around to see her. "Chunhua, you're here. I'm sorry for not visiting. I've been busy with the shop. I know that that doesn't excuse it, but I'm sor-"

"It's okay Pigsy. I just thought I'd visit. The cooler has the vegetables you asked for." She quips before walking over to the table that Tang was at. Sitting down, she moved one of his books. "Daffodil? You need to eat something. Please...for me darlin'. Can you do that for me?" She asks, her accent thick as she started to softly chastise her husband.

Tang looks up at her. "I'm sorry Hua. I'm just so busy with these scrolls." He murmurs before looking at her with a little sheepish smile. He did miss his little botanist wife. But he knew that she would not leave until he ate, and Pigsy relaxed and closed up the noodle shop. She cared a lot about the two of them. Maybe a bit too much in his opinion, but he still loved her nonetheless. She had the biggest heart and sometimes he couldn't believe that she gave the heart to the two of them. Or that he was able to fall in love with her, despite him being mostly attracted to the men.

Chunhua laughed softly as their husband walks out with a large bowl of noodles. Seeing it being set down in front of them, she gives him a little smooch. "Thank you darlin'. Can we eat now?" She asks before grabbing a pair of chopsticks to help feed Tang. Picking up some of the noodles, she starts to feed her scholarly husband.

Tang looks at her with a small blush on his cheeks. 'How did I ever fall in love with someone as sweet and gentle as her? I know how Pigsy and her met. But when I met was worth it.' He thinks while enjoying Pigsy's noodles. He always enjoyed his husband's noodles but being fed by his wife made it even better. Swallowing, he looks at her. "Thank you sweet-pea. I did use that in the correct context right?"

Chunhua's cheeks warm up. "That's right darlin'. You are so perfect and you've been payin' attention." She says, her accent getting a bit thick as she got a little emotional. Taking a few noodles, she looks at her husbands. "Can we...can we close up shop? I wanna cuddle." She suggests, giving the biggest puppy eyes known to mankind. If it worked for MK, then maybe it would work for the stepmom.

Tang and Pigsy look at each other before moving to close up the noodle shop. They may have missed their wife's cuddles and missed being close to her. Especially after the dumpling issue.

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