Chapter 7

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Wukong sat on his somersault cloud "soooo..." he began, not knowing what to say Aoi looks at the powerful monkey smiling as he just drifted around the temple on his somersault cloud "what? " she says "whaaat.... do you like to do?" the Monkey looks around in a measly effort to start a conversation

She laughs abit smiling knowing wukong already knows the answer to this question but she appreciates his attempt to start a conversation he sighs and lowers his cloud abit to face her with a smirk on his face

suddenly his head bolts up "did you hear that?" he asked cautiously She looks confused "hear what? " but he cuts her off and covers her mouth he looks around and quickly picks her up she blushes abit not expecting him to do that he looks around abit whatever noise he heard was gone

"I couldve sworn I hear do someone just now.."

"You sure it wasn't the monkeys? "She ask confused she know how he can be sometimes paranoid Due to him explaining sometimes demons getting in "i mean if it was a demon They would have already Bashed threw the place demanding to challenge you " she explained

"No.." The Monkey King looked around. "this is something different.. Stay put." The Monkey King put Aoi down and started to head towards the forest. "I'll go check."

She looks at him and sighs as she sees him fly off But she hears a stick snap she quickly turns but gets her mouth cover she froze to see chester he put a finger near his mouth to keep quiet "shhh " he whispered


The Monkey King went into the forest, looking around the bushes and tree, but finding nothing "just what happened...." He mumbles He could have swore there was someone Here he sighs maybe he was being abit paranoid as he didn't want to admit He turns around and goes back to the Shame Temple.

But stops hearing something

"What are you doing here how did you find me here!? "

" that's not important right now we need to go before he comes back!! "

"who wukong? "

He rushes to the area where he set off Aoi, just now realizing that someone distracted him and wanted to take Aoi.

"Aoi we don't have time He could come back here any second now! "

" what do you mean!? Tell me what's going on "

"Aoi? Hey, Aoi!" Sun Wukong shouted and waited for her to say something in response but he didnt hear anything. What happened?

He quickly with no second thought jumps down to the ground off his cloud and open the door and sees footprints he fellows and see it leads to a rope thrown over the wall of his temple

He quickly follows this rope over the wall, when he saw A human holding onto Aoi hand and covering her mouth he quickly summon his somersault and fly over their path and jumps down infont of them which startled both of them

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" He demands to know in a bit too serious tone The boy trips and backs away "wait wukong don't hurt him! " Aoi says as she gets Infont of the monkey king

His face lightens up "Aoi, you know this boy? What is he doing here? And why did he try to distract me?"

"He is my brother And to be honest I have no idea! " she says as both turn to the boy to see that he is gone Must have ran off when both where distracted

"Alright uhm.. what happened anyways?"

"I don't know My brother Chester did seem panicked Abit He somehow found me Here and He kept telling me we needed to go but after we heard you calling out he quickly dragged me to the rope " she says "Huh.." the Monkey King thought for a while.. what could he have talked about?

"I am still confused how he found me here I never told anyone All I ever said was I'm going hiking an-" Aoi begins rambling In confusion wukong looks at Her and sighs understanding her confusion

"I see.. who could-" He suddenly stopped mid sentence, his eyes wide open in shock In his head played a scene.. the hero and the warrior.. could it be? It couldn't be a coincidence but if that's the case That means....Oh no....

"Macaque." He says "Who? " Aoi says confused wukong looks at Aoi "who's macaque? " wukong knew he couldn't tell her She can't be in more danger " Wukong? " she says he was in some deep thought he quickly snaps out of it

"Hes... an old friend" he hesitates. "Nothing you should be concerned with." He quickly brushes it off. Aoi sighs knowing How wukong always hides thing "Wukong how shouldn't I be concerned? My own brother somehow found and looked very scared " he looks at her and place both of his hands on her shoulders

"No.. no, its fine. Really I.. just have to talk things out. Yeah." As if he hadnt tried that.

Aoi was about to say something until he remembered his training with MK today it all make sense.....he has to find him before it's too late and besides It's best excuse he's got and to figure out where MK and macaque are

"Uhm..Training." He reminded Aoi that he had to train MK today Aoi sighs "alright then..." she says he looks at her seeing her worried expression he knew there was nothing he could do he had to leave quickly

"Okay uhm, guess I.. gotta go then. Seeya!" Monkey King quickly got up to his somersault cloud Aoi stares at the monkey as he flew away and sighed And quickly left still having a bad feeling....

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