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REID WENT TO MEET Scott and Derek at the back of the Vault. The two were standing and waiting for him.

"Took you long enough," Derek commented once he saw the familiar boy in sight.

"I was busy," he shrugged, taking a look at his surroundings, "so what do we have to do?"

"Get inside and save them." Derek replied, "you can not come if you don't want to."

"No," Reid pursed his lips, "I have this feeling that something's gonna go down tonight."

"Same," Scott muttered, "there's just something I can't get out of my head..."

"The moon's rising, Scott," Derek sighed, impatient, "what is it?"

"Risk and reward," Scott replied earning a look from the older man, "which means what?"

"We're not measuring the risk with enough information," Scott said, "we don't know enough."

"Right? What if we're walking right into a trap?" Reid voiced out his thoughts, unable to ignore the bad feeling he got the second he came to this place.

Scott pointed his finger in Reid's direction as if saying, ‘that’s exactly what I’m trying to say’ but Derek rolled his eyes at them both, "we know time's running out!"

"Yeah, but think about it—" Scott began, "— they put the triskele on your door four months ago. What have they been doing all this time? Why wait until now?"

"We don't have time to figure out every little detail—" Derek was interrupted by Scott, "—okay, but what if this detail— the reason why they waited— is the most important one?"

"Then we do nothing, and Boyd and Erica are dead," Derek shot him a look, sighing, "look, I know what I'm risking— my life for theirs. And I won't blame you two if you don't follow me." Then he jumped on the wall and broke inside.

Scott and Reid exchanged a look. "He's gonna get himself killed," Reid spoke earning a nod from Scott, "let's get this over with."

"After you," he nodded towards the wall and watched as Scott jumped through then he followed right after.

The place was empty and completely dark except for the light of the moon. Derek looked up and saw Boyd standing in front of him, his face blank and his body rigid.

"Boyd?" Derek called out while Reid narrowed his eyes at the werewolf who he thought seemed rather weird. "It's me," Derek held his hand in a stopping manner, "it's Derek."

Just then Scott answered his phone which was ringing, talking to his best friend, "Stiles, now's not the best time."

"Scott!" Stiles's voice rang through the phone but since there were only werewolves present, all of them could hear him. "Scott! No, listen to me, okay? Look, you gotta get out of there. Look, the walls of the vault are made with a mineral called hecatolite. It scatters the moonlight."

"What does that mean?" Scott asked, unable to understand what Stiles was trying to say.

"We're here to get you out, okay?" Derek turned his attention to Boyd again, "

"It keeps moonlight out—" Reid, who was beside Scott answered his question, already knowing where Stiles was going with this.

"Exactly," Stiles spoke, "what he said. Look, they haven't felt the full moon in months."

"Okay, think of it like the gladiators in the Roman Colosseum," Peter took the phone from Stiles and began talking, "they used to starve the lions for three days, making them more vicious, more out of control. Deucalion has kept them from shifting for three months, diminishing their tolerance to it."

"Guys, they're gonna be stronger—" Stiles was interrupted by Peter, "more savage, more bloodthirsty... Boys, they're the lions! They're the starved lions, and you, Reid and Derek just stepped into the Colosseum."

"Derek... we got a problem," Scott spoke making Derek glance at him, "a really big problem."

Just then, Boyd growled and a woman walked from behind him. Derek stared her, stunned, "Cora?"

"Who?" Reid and Scott asked at the same time.

"Cora?" Derek repeated as the woman looked at him pleadingly, growling as she was unable to control herself, "Derek... get out. Get out now!"

"Is that..." Reid trailed off, noticing the black lining around them.

"Mountain ash," Scott breathed out, following his line of sight. A woman blocked their way out by placing mountain ash in front of the hole they broke to get in.

"No, no wait!" Scott shouted at Marin who ignored him and walked away, leaving the five werewolves trapped inside. While Reid wasn't worried, knowing he could easily take them down, he doubted Scott and Derek could.


Marin stepped out to go where Deucalion was waiting for him. "Don't kid yourself, Marin. It's not the first time you've gotten your hands dirty."

"There was another one with them," Marin informed the Alpha who raised his brows, "who?"

"I don't know," she replied, "I've never seen him before."

"Describe him to me," Deucalion demanded, hoping that it wasn't who he thought it was. He was informed by the twins that Reid was in Beacon Hills and hanging out with Scott and Derek.

"Tall, black hair—" she began saying from what she could see thanks to the moonlight, "his eyes are kind of a pale blue— almost grey. I couldn't see his face well."

Deucalion sighed, "Reid, that boy I swear to god."

"You know him?" Marin frowned, "wait as in Reid Gray? He might die in there—"

"— no he won't. It's not him I'm worried about," Deucalion began walking away with Marin beside her, "there's a reason why I want him in my pack, Marin."

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