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"WELL IF WE'RE not going to kill him, why aren't we at least tying him down with really big chains?"

"I might have something more effective," Deaton replied to Aiden's question, opening his case before taking out a vial.

While the others held Stiles's mouth open, Deaton approached him and dropped the venom in his mouth. Stiles's eyes snapped open as he struggled, grabbing Aiden's neck, strangling him. Aiden grunted as he breathed out, "get him off me! Get him off me!"

Just then, Lydia and Reid got back inside, the hybrid quickly rushing towards Aiden before removing Stiles's hand from his neck since the others were having trouble doing it.

"What the fuck is wrong with him?" He mumbled, looking at Stiles who frowned as he began to not be able to move. His hands trembled, he let out a grunt and settled back in the couch, "Kanima venom, nice touch." Aiden growled and was about to attack him but he got held back by Reid as Stiles smirk at them, "you know how they say that twins get a feeling when the other one's in pain? You didn't lose that power too, did you?"

Aiden exchanged a look with the others, already knowing where this is going. "Oh, I hope not!" Void Stiles said sarcastically, "you're going to need it—" he paused, grinning, "okay, I'll give a little hint— Ethan's at the school."

Scott looked at Aiden, "go!" The latter was quick to rush out of the house, going to his brother while Void Stiles laughed, "I hope he gets there in time. I like the twins—" he looked at Reid, "and you, short tempers, homicidal compulsions. A lot more fun than you—" he looked at Scott, "bakemono trying to save the world every day."

"Doc, you brought something to paralyze his body," Melissa stepped in, "you got anything for his mouth?"

"Yes, I do," Deaton mumbled before ripping a tape and put over his mouth. Void Stiles grunted and shouted, wanting it off but they did nothing and only went to the kitchen.

Reid filled himself a glass of water and drank it as Scott sighed, "how much longer do you think we have?"

Deaton shrugged, "I wish I knew... But, if we don't figure out something soon, we're going to need to find a better place to keep him. I think we're grossly underestimating the danger here. He might be paralyzed, but it still feels like he's got us right in the palm of his hand—"

"— But, the scroll said to 'change his body," Scott said, cutting him off which earned a nod from Deaton, "that's if I translated it correctly. We're looking for a cure in something that might actually be nothing more than a proverb or a metaphor."

"And what if he doesn't want it?" Scott raised his brows, "he never asked to be a Werewolf!"

"What if it saves his life?"

"What if it kills him?"

"He'll be dead either way," Reid muttered as he allowed himself to sit on the counter beside Lydia. Scott looked at him, seeming unsure, "I've never done this before. I mean, what if I bite him and accidentally hit an artery or something?"

"The venom is not going to last long—" Deaton said, "something needs to be done sooner than later."

Scott's eyes flickered to Reid, "why don't you do it? Give him the bite?"

"He's not gonna survive it," he replied simply, "mine isn't like yours. It's insanely more powerful since I've got Vampire blood and all. People can hardly take it."

"Wait you've tried turning someone?" Scott questioned with his eyes slightly widened. Reid nodded, feeling his throat close up, "yeah, he couldn't take it. Begged me to kill him to end the pain. He was gonna die anyway— he asked me to try, I guess he knew he wasn't gonna make it. I just wanted to give him a chance."

His mind drifted to when fifteen years old him had tried to save one of his friends but failed. A frown was stretched onto his face at the memory. He snapped back to reality when he felt Lydia's fingers grazing his hand. Clearing his throat, he looked at the others, "point is, Stiles won't survive this. Find someone else."

After a moment of silence, Scott spoke, "I can try calling Derek again?"

"Maybe we should call someone else," Lydia suggested earning questioning looks from the others.

"Like who?" Reid raised his brows at his girlfriend, "Peter? No fucking way."

"He's helpful in situations like these," Lydia tried to resonate, "come on. He helps and then leaves."

Reid pressed his lips in a thin line, narrowing his eyes as he let out a small sigh before leaning his face closer to her, his lips going near her ear. "If he so much as raises his voice at you," he whispered, "I will kill him and remember, you said you wouldn't care anymore."

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