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"SWEETHEART, SINCE this is my first class and I haven't taught in five years, I just want to remind you of one thing..." Natalie stopped by Lydia's table, "try not to embarrass me."

The strawberry blonde glanced down at her shoes, "you should have thought of that before wearing those shoes." When Natalie chuckled, Lydia smiled, "love you!"

"Love you, too." Natalie smiled, her eyes flickering to Reid who was beside her, busy playing random games on his phone. "Phones off, Reid."

"Yeah, just give me a minute."

Natalie only hummed before walking away. Just then, Aiden approached their table, looking straight at Lydia,
"why's your mom teaching biology?"

"Because Mr. Harris used to teach biology," Lydia replied, "until his new occupation... Human sacrifice."

Aiden shot her an offended look, "what? I didn't kill him." Lydia only stared back at him which made him scoff, "Lydia, what?"

"The other day, I helped save someone's life," Lydia began, "that felt really good. And I look at you, and all I can think is that you helped kill Boyd." Reid tried not to let her words reach him although she wasn't talking to him. He pretended as if he was not paying attention as Lydia continued to speak, "you're not just a bad boy, Aiden— you're a bad guy. And I don't want to be friends with the bad guys."

Aiden frowned, "but what about Reid? He's killed people too— innocent ones. Humans. He's the baddest guy out there yet you're with him."

"I'd suggest you fuck off unless you wanna be on the list of people I've brutally murdered." Reid spoke without looking up from his phone, "god damn, I love this game."

Aiden shot Lydia a look of disbelief. The strawberry blonde only shrugged in response which resulted in a sigh from the omega. "This is unfair."

"Life's unfair, darling." Reid muttered, finally getting off his phone. He shoved it in his pocket and looked up at Aiden who was standing by their table, "you get used to it. Now off you go."

Aiden rolled his eyes at the hybrid before walking away nonetheless after having said something to Danny about his party.

The rest of the class went by in a blur. Before they knew it, Reid and Lydia were in the janitor's closet with their lips locked and his hands roaming all over her body, his mouth practically devouring hers as if he has been craving her for years.

Lydia moaned into the kiss when he tangled his fingers in her hair and pulled on them slightly to give him better access. His tongue easily slid inside her mouth, stroking hers tenderly.

The strawberry blonde wrapped her arms around his neck, her eyes closed while she allowed him to suck on her tongue. Last night, they couldn't do much after dinner since Reid had to leave. He didn't tell her why, just that something came up. While she was aware that there were things he was not telling her, she never asked, fearing that she'd overstep. But since they were in a relationship, she could only find it fair to ask. But she didn't. She couldn't bring herself to.

She did not know why though. Maybe she was scared of how he'd react or maybe he'd tell her a truth she wouldn't like. She had a feeling it was the latter. She decided to stick to being happy than curious and risk screwing it all up.

All her thoughts went flying out of her head when she felt his lips on her neck, nibbling and sucking on her skin. "We have class," she decided to remind him before he took it too far.

"It's okay," he breathed out against her skin, "we can ski--" he was interrupted by the sound of his phone going off. Lydia let out a sigh while he groaned and backed away from her, his hand going to retrieve his phone. He only glanced at the screen before lifting his head to look at her.

He did not have to say anything. She understood from the look he was giving her that he had to leave- he gave her the same look the night prior.


"I know,," Lydia cut him off with a knowing look on her face. She fixed her hair and placed some strands in front to cover the marks she knew he left on her neck. "It's fine... kind of."

"You can't lie to me," he ran a hand through his own hair, an apologetic expression on his features, "I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you, I promise."

"I'm sure you will," Lydia muttered, her lips pulling down into a frown, "I'll call in sick for you."

Reid bit his lip at the obvious change in her mood, feeling bad that he was the one who caused it. "We're gonna go to that stupid party tonight, okay? If you want to, of course. I'll come to pick you up."

"Okay," she nodded, a smile reaching her lips at the thought of going to a party with him. She felt like she deserved something like that after what they have been through recently. "I'll be waiting."

He hummed with a nod of his own and a smile. Then he leaned down and placed a kiss on her forehead before walking out of the place, leaving the school to go meet the person who called him and interrupted their moment.


t's been a while... Anywayssss more Reid and Lydia content coming soon. Literally can't wait to finish this story so I can concentrate on my Klaus fic. I didn't want to discontinue this one although I'm kinda losing interest in writing it cause that would've been a dick move.

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