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SIXTEEN HOURS. That was how much time Scott, Stiles and Allison took. Reid, Lydia, Isaac and Deaton were there, watching them as they submerged from the water, regaining consciousness.

"I saw it!" Scott instantly spoke up, "I know where it is."

"We passed it," Stiles added, "there's- there's a stump... this huge tree- well, it's not huge anymore, it was cut down— but it's still big, though! Very big!"

"It was the night we were looking for the body—" Scott went to say but Stiles interjected, "— yeah, the same night you were bitten by Peter."

"I was there, too, in the car with my mother," Allison added, looking at them, "we almost hit someone."

"It was me-" Scott muttered in realisation, half-stunned, "—you almost hit me. We can find it."

Reid, Lydia, Deaton and Isaac exchanged a look. Allison noticed and frowned, "what?"

Isaac cleared his throat, "you guys were out a long time."

"How long is a long time?" Stiles questioned, furrowing his brows as Deaton replied, "sixteen hours."

Scott's eyes widened in surprise, "we've been in the water for sixteen hours?"

"Yeah," Reid muttered, "the full moon rises in less than four."

"I'll get you guys towels," Deaton said before he walked away. Seconds later, he came back handed them a towel each. They grabbed it and began drying themselves off as Scott spoke, "I have to go back."

"No, dude," Stiles frowned, "you're not going back with them."

"I made a deal with Deucalion-" Scott was cut off by Stiles who huffed and looked at the others, "does anyone else think that sounds a lot like a deal with the devil?"

"Why does it matter, anyway?" Isaac asked earning a sigh from Scott, "because I still don't think that we can beat Jennifer without their help."

Allison turned to Reid and spoke directly to him, "he trusts you more than anyone— why don't you tell him he's wrong?"

"I'm not so sure he is-" Deaton cut in, "— circumstances like this sometimes require that you align with people you'd normally consider enemies."

Isaac let out an exasperated sigh, "so, we're gonna trust him- the guy that calls himself 'Death, Destroyer of Worlds'—we're gonna trust that guy?"

"I wouldn't trust him, no," Deaton shook his head, glancing at Reid briefly, "but, you could use him to your advantage. Deucalion may be the enemy, but he could also be the bait."

Reid opened his mouth to say something but then he closed it again, deciding against it. Just then, they heard the door opening which made them go to see who it was only to find Ethan standing there.

"I'm looking for Reid," Ethan spoke, his eyes falling on the hybrid who raised his brows questioningly, "what do you want?"

"I need your help," Ethan admitted earning a frown from Stiles, "with what?"

"Stopping my brother and Kali-" Ethan paused, exhaling, "- from killing Derek."

"So..." Reid tilted his head to the side, his brows furrowing, "you want me to kill your brother? Because that's the only kind of stopping that I know."

"No, just..." Ethan trailed off, sighing, "he's scared of you- the entire pack is. If you tell him to stop, he will. But I'm not so sure about Kali."

"Kali is..." Reid raked his mind to remember who the hell she was, "the one who desperately needs a pair of shoes, right?"

"Yeah, that's, uh—" Ethan nodded, "— her, yeah. So are you going to help? And we might need Lydia too."


"Because Aiden likes her..." Ethan mumbled, unsure of whether he should say that but he thought they should know, "he's like... totally into her."

"Look at you," Reid clicked his tongue, his fingers wrapping themselves around Lydia's wrist as he pulled her closer to calm himself down, "giving me more reasons to kill your brother."

"It's fine," Lydia whispered, brushing her fingers against his hand, "let's go. If we have a chance at stopping Derek from being dead, we should probably take it."

The hybrid glanced at her before looking back at Ethan who shot him a small pleading look. He wanted to do the right thing- Reid could see that. Finally, he let out a small sigh, "fine. Let's go."

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