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"FOR THE SACRIFICE," Deaton responded which made Reid tilt his head to the side, "oh, so she's gonna die?"

When Deaton nodded, Reid hummed, "yeah, that's not so bad."

"Reid, she's your mother. After everything I just—" Deaton sighed, "— she wasn't... Never mind. You can't let the Darach kill her. She's with Scott's mom and Stiles's dad. She's part of them."

"But why was she taken?" Reid questioned, "I thought that only healers, philosophers, guardians, virgins and warriors. She's none of the above."

"She's a guardian—" Deaton gave him a blank look, "— your guardian whether you believe it or not."

"But if she already has my mom, Why's she after Chris?"

"I don't know," Deaton shrugged, "I was hoping you could find that out."

Reid said nothing to that. He was still trying to wrap his mind around the fact that Deaton has known where his mother's been all this time and yet didn't bother to tell him. He didn't say anything even when he went to London to find her. In all honesty, Reid didn't care whether his mom had the heart to ask about his being. He had set up his mind to kill her so kill her he would.

"Who knew?" Deaton's question caught him off-guard. He shot him a confused look, "what?"

The older man sighed and crossed his arms as he stared at Reid. He was horrified after what he has just revealed about himself and he cursed himself for being so blind about it. But then again, what could he have possibly done?

"Who knew about what you were going through?" Deaton rephrased although he already had an idea. "Was it Deucalion? Is that why you don't want to kill him?"

"I owe him a lot," Reid lowered his voice as he spoke just above a whisper. He felt as if his throat was closing up as his mind flashed back to the old times where he'd instantly go to Deucalions everytime his dad would hit him badly. Sometimes, he'd fix himself up but there were times when the wounds were too deep.

Even though he was a werewolf and he would've healed, Gabriel was an alpha and he was a child. It would take hours or even days and his father would sometimes use wolfsbane and place them directly on his open wounds.

Reid would always go to Deucalion who'd take care of him. But one day, when Reid went to see his uncle for help, he wasn't there. He just left without saying anything.

Just then, Reid's phone beeped with a message from Stiles who told him that Lydia found out where they were and that she went to tell Derek about it but he got held up by Scott's dad so Lydia had to go alone.

Reid bit his lip as he tucked his phone back in his pocket and looked up at Deaton, "Stiles's at school, I think he's gonna need your help with half of his friends missing along with his dad and Scott's mom."

"I got this," Deaton nodded as he grabbed his coat from the racks, "what about you? Where are you going?"

He shrugged, "I'll be waiting for you guys here."

Deaton only nodded again before he walked out of the place, leaving Reid alone.

The seventeen year old sigh as he took out his pack of cigarettes and lit it up then brought it to his lips and inhaled. He tilted his head back and closed his eyes for a few seconds before slowly exhaling, watching as the smoke disappeared into the thin air.

His thoughts went back to his mother and ways of how he could possibly kill her began swirling in his mind.

He then took another drag.

Then another.

And another— until the cigarette was done. Then he threw it away and grabbed a new one, lit it up and repeated the action of earlier.

He didn't know how many minutes went by but when he heard voices, he found himself looking at the door, his third cigarette now hanging in between his lips.

In came Deaton, followed by Stiles, Lydia, Allison and Isaac.

"Welcome," he greeted, ignoring the confused looks he was receiving.

"You smoke?" Allison questioned as she let out a cough, inhaling smoke before narrowing her eyes at the cigarette in his mouth but Reid wasn't bothered by it. At least, not until Lydia let out a small cough on her own.

"Sorry," he mumbled as he walked over to open the windows behind him, letting fresh air inside while the smoke went out.

Allison glanced at Lydia then at Reid and pursed her lips while Deaton smiled slightly. But both interactions went unnoticed by the others.

Reid turned to look at them, getting rid of the cigarette before he asked, "what's going on?"

"Derek and Peter..." Lydia began as she approached Reid and leaned against the counter he went back to sit on, staying close to him, "they don't remember where the nemeton is."

"It has to be on a telluric current, or maybe even at the axis of two, or where they all intersect,"  Stiles suggested, "I just know it's where Derek took Paige to die."

"My dad and Gerard were there, once. But Gerard said it was years ago and he couldn't remember where it was." Allison added as Stiles's eyes flickered to Reid just as the hybrid reached out to grab Lydia's hand and pulled her closer to him, making her stand in between his legs but with her back to him.

Lydia's lips twitched up at the action and her smile only widened when he began playing with the loose ends of her hair on her back while they both listened to whatever was being said around them.

Reid caught Stiles's stare and flashed him a small smile which he returned as he indirectly confirmed the answer to the question that he had been asking them for a while. He was happy for them, for both of them. His attention went back to Allison who continued to speak, " and, my dad obviously isn't here to tell us now."

"Yeah, mine either," Stiles muttered earning a sigh from Isaac, "then how do we find this place?"

"There might be a way—" Deaton spoke up, giving them wary looks, "— but it's dangerous. We're gonna need Scott."

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