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"YOU'RE ABSOLUTELY amazing," Reid mumbled against Lydia's lips as he backed her further into the wall. She hummed into his mouth, her hands gripping his hair tightly.

He sucked on her lower lip before sliding his tongue inside her mouth, softly stroking her own while she tightened the grip of her fingers around his dark locks.

"Guys, the others are he— oh my god, I'm so sorry!"

They were forced to break apart upon hearing Allison's horrified gasp. Reid emitted a groan from the back of his throat as he put some distance between himself and the strawberry blonde who fixed her hair subtly, smiling at Allison who was frozen in her spot.

"Hello?" Reid snapped her out of her trance.

"Hi," Allison muttered and shook her head, bringing herself out of her daze. "That was one of the hottest thing I've ever seen."

Lydia laughed at what she said while Reid smirked. "I know right."

"Anyway," she cleared her throat, gesturing towards Ethan, Aiden and Scott who had just walked in the room, not having had the opportunity to see what the two were doing seconds ago. "Here they are."

"Hey Reid," Scott greeted with a smile which he returned as Ethan ask, "we're going to rob an armoured car?"

"Well..." Lydia spoke, "we're going to try."

"And we'll succeed," Reid added from beside her, "I could've done that alone though."

"Teamwork, Reid." Allison reminded, "and Lydia doesn't want you getting hurt. This is a dangerous thing to do, you're going to need help."

"I'm not but okay," he sighed, "let's just get this over with. We don't need any plan, do we? It's a quick in and ou—"

"— Are you kidding?" Aiden cut in, "we do need a plan. We're going to rob something. Why do I have a feeling that this isn't your first rodeo?"

"Cause it's not," he muttered, glancing at Lydia, "but I'm guessing you have a plan so let's hear it."


"This is a really bad plan," Scott said after Lydia and Allison were done explaining their plan.

"Couldn't agree more."

"It's not that bad," Lydia defended as Ethan popped in, "it's not that good."

"None of us knows the route they're going to take. If Allison can get her dad's GPS trackers on the armoured car, then we can follow it. So, when it gets here—"

"— We attack them?" Reid interjected earning a pointed look from Lydia, "no. Their bikes will be in the middle of the road, looking like you guys got into an accident. And, when the driver gets out to help—"

"— We attack  them," Reid cut in with a nod as if he had the greatest idea.

Allison and Lydia both shook their heads at him, "no!"

"You'll distract him," Lydia said slowly, "and Scott will break open the back door."

"I hope."

Lydia turned to Ethan, "and you'll get Katashi's finger."

"It's not his actual finger, is it?"

The strawberry blonde scoffed at his question, "you are so out of our league."

"Why aren't we just going to Stilinski for help?" Ethan questioned to which Scott replied, "because, if he gets caught, then it's the Sheriff tampering with federal evidence."

"Guys, this is going to work. We can do this," Allison spoke up, "we're losing Stiles... My dad's in jail for murder... We need to do this."


Reid stood in front of Lydia as the others readied themselves for their little robbery.

"Your plan doesn't include sending me there to help," he voiced out his thoughts, he didn't like the plan and he was bothered by that fact. Lydia stilled beside him, slowly chewing on her lower lip. She thought she had a good reason as to why she didn't send him there. She was surprised he was even listening to her but she guessed it had something to do with the mate bond.

"I just..." She trailed off, not knowing how to word it.

"You just what?" He turned to look at her, his brows furrowed. He had a slight idea why she'd do that, he didn't want to be right.

She avoided his stare by fixing her eyes in front of her. Reid audibly scoffed, "you thought I'd go out there and kill him."

"Wouldn't you?"

"Yeah," he sighed, his hand going to his hair,"I would. It's easier, safer and quicker."

"You really need to stop with this killing thing," Lydia mumbled, "people's lives matter, you know? You can't just kill them like that."

"Actually I can and I will," he frowned, "it's what I've been doing my entire life. Some people deserve it. I'm not going to change, Lydia. It's not like I kill innocent people. I— you act like I go around killing everyone in my way or something."

"I didn't say that."

"It's what you think." He shot back.


"— Whatever," he interrupted before she could go any further, "let's just get this shit over with."

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