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THE NEXT MORNING, Reid woke up to the sound of his phone ringing. He groaned into Lydia's neck, knowing she's been awake for the past ten minutes. His hand reached out to the nightstand to grab phone as he finally detached himself from her.

Glancing down at the called ID, he answered the call. "Fuck do you want?" He asked Stiles who mimicked his question in response, "fuck do you want. That's not how you're supposed to greet a friend, Reid."

"I'm gonna hang up if it's nothing ser—" he was cut off by Stiles who shouted, "— No, No! Don't hang up! This is important. Look, I need your help. Well, more like, my dad needs your help. Scott's already here. So come on."

"Help with what? Are you kidding? What, right now? Can't this wait?" He glanced at the clock, "it's six in the fuckin' morning."

"Son, It's six not two," Stiles muttered and Reid could tell that he was rolling his eyes just by his tone, "so you better get your ass here, okay? It's important and fun. Kinda. I mean it is, if you wanna solve cases with me. And we're skipping school so you should be real happy right now."

That caught his attention making him sit up straight, "really? what case?"

"Come here and find out. I'll text you the address."

"No, wait—" Reid cut himself off when Stiles hung up. He let out a string of curses and tossed his phone to the side before letting his body to fall back on the soft mattress. Lydia had dropped her hand from his air the moment he sat up to talk, she was playing with them. "What happened?"

"It's Stiles," he turned to look at her, his eyes falling on her neck, on all the marks he gave her last night. True to her words, Natalie wasn't home when the two returned from school and they did finish what was started at school.

"What does he want?"

"Help," Reid muttered, not wanting to get out of the bed. It's been a while since he's slept that good.

"Okay then off you go."

"You want to get rid of me already?" He questioned with a fake frown tugging at his lips, "that's heartbreaking."

She rolled her eyes, amused, "I have to go to school."

"Fine," he stood up, grabbing his pants which was on the floor and sliding it on all while knowing she was staring. After putting on his shirt as well, his eyes flickered all around the room, looking for his jacket but he frowned when it was nowhere to be found.

"What are you looking for?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.

"Jacket," he muttered, sitting down to put on his shoes, "shit, I think it's downstairs. Remember when you were too impatient to wait till we get go your room?"

"I threw it somewhere in the living room," she mumbled, her cheeks redening at the memory, "go find it before my mom does."

"Going," he reached the door and turned to look at her again, "bye. Call me if anything happens or seems off, got it?"

She nodded in response, "I will."

"Good girl," he smirked at her surprise-filled expression before walkikg out the door, closing it behind him. Lydia let out a sigh, unable to stop the smile that broke onto her face. She didn't know what she felt for him but she knew that she wanted it to last forever. However, something was telling her that it was not going to be easy.

Reid went downstairs, towards the living room to look for his jacket. A frustrated groan left his lips when he couldn't find it there either.

The sound of someone clearing their throat caught his attention making him snap his head towards the sound only to find Natalie standing there, looking highly amused with his black jacket in her hands. "Oh well, good morning to you too, Reid. I'm guessing this is yours?"

"Yeah," he caught it effortlessly once she tossed it at him, "thanks."

"No problem," she smiled, her eyes falling on his neck. Clearing her throat, she adverted her gaze, "fun night, huh?"

"What makes you say that?" He asked while sliding on his jacket. She chuckled before pointing to her own neck, "you've got a few... proofs all over there."

"Oh," he bit his lip, his hand reached out to his hair to fix them slightly, knowing they were a mess since he just woke up, "yeah, that's... whatever. Anyway, I'll leave now. Bye."

"Bye. Take care of yourself and feel free to come whenever," Natalie smiled at the hybrid who had already walked to the door by the time she had finished. Once he was out, he approached his car and got in before driving straight to his house, wanting to take a shower and freshen up.

All right so I didn't feel like writimg smut for this one. But there will probably be in the upcoming chapters. Also why the fuck am I getting smut requests like dude no stop–

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