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"HE DOESN'T LOOK like he would survive a slap across the face, much less the bite of a werewolf," Peter pointed out as he stared at Stiles.

"You don't think it would work?"

"This is more a war of the mind than the body," Peter explained, "there are better methods to winning this battle."

"What kind of methods?" Deaton questioned which earned a small smirk from the older werewolf, "we're going to get into his head. I'll be back."  He then walked in the kitchen after shooting a not-so-subtle glance at Lydia, wordlessly telling her to follow him.

Reid raised his brows at the strawberry blonde who sighed, "just give me a minute, okay? He just wants to talk about..." She trailed off, knowing that he understood what she wanted to say.

He sighed, nodding, "I'll be right here. The slightest sound and I—"

"— I know," Lydia cut him off with a chuckle, "I'll be right back." With that she went after Peter to talk while he walked towards Void Stiles who was still on the couch with a tape over his mouth. He stood there and stared at him for a while before Lydia came back, going to stand beside him.

"Do we have a plan?"

"Scott is going to try and dig through pale and sickly Evil-Stiles' mind to unearth pale and sickly Real-Stiles—" Peter responded, standing near Void Stiles, "then, guide him back from the depths of his own subconscious. But, he's not going to do it alone."

"What do you mean?"

"Somebody needs to go in with you," Peter replied, looking straight at Lydia who stilled beside Reid who scoffed, "absolutely the fuck not."

"We don't have a choice," Peter rolled his eyes at him, "she's the one that needs to go."

"It's fine," the strawberry blonde said to Reid who was still unsure at the whole thing. "I got this."

"So, what do we do if we find him?

"You're going to have to guide him out somehow," Peter looked at Scott who had gone to sit on the couch with Lydia who joined him shortly after, answering his question, "try to give him back control of his mind, his body."

"Could you elaborate on the somehow?" Lydia questioned, "it's not feeling very specific at the moment."

Peter stayed silent for a while before he shrugged, not really having an answer, "improvise?"

"What if this is just another trick?"

The older werewolf threw his head back and let out an exasperated sigh, "when are you people going to start trusting me?"

"I meant him." Scott nodded towards Void Stiles earning a small, "oh," from Peter.

"Scott," Deaton cut in, "we're running out of time."

"I hate this idea," Reid mumbled, sitting down on the headrest of the couch that was across the one they were seated. He kept his eyes fixed on Lydia, barely caring about the others, "it better fuckin work."

"It will," Peter assured, the doubt incredibly evident in his tone that went unnoticed by the others but not Reid who frowned at him, looking back at Lydia. She flashed him a reassuring smile, mouthing, 'I'll be fine,' just before Scott dug his claws in the back of her neck and Stiles' at the same time, his eyes flashing red.

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