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JENNIFER WAS QUICK to rush away from Derek. Her eyes fell on Scort who was about to run towards her and she quickly threw mountain ash around her, to prevent them from getting it.

She smirked at Derek, "like I told you, Derek— either you or the parents," Jennifer began speaking angrily, "well, I guess I'll just have to take them, now. In a few minutes, they'll be dead, and I won't need a lunar eclipse, even to kill a Demon Wolf!" She looked at Reid and flashed him a smile, "I'll tell you where your mother is if you finish the job. Kill him."


"Kill Deucalion," Jennifer repeated, looking at the demon wolf who was still on the ground, "end him. Do it, now!"

"No," Reid clenched his jaw as he walked towards Jennifer, "enough of your shitty little game. You don't get to tell me what to do—" his hand reached to his waistband where he took out a blade. He twirled it before sending it flying towards Jennifer, watching as it buried itself in her stomach.

"Reid, what—" Jennifer's eyes widened when he was standing just an inch away from the mountain ash, "— you can't get in."

"Yeah, I can, actually." To prove his point, he stepped in and brushed it aside with his shoes to break the barrier completely.

"H–How?" Jennifer stammered, clutching to the knife in her stomach as she kept taking a few steps back, her eyes widening with fear. Then she realised, "Lydia..."

"What?" Reid cocked his head to the side, "what does she have to do with any of this?"

"Mountain Ash doesn't have any effects on Banshees," Jennifer muttered, "she's your... She's your mate, isn't she?" She smirked at him, "that's why you're so protective of her."

Reid rushed forward and wrapped his fingers around her neck before lifting her in the air and slamming her against the wall making her grunt in pain while Scott stepped forward and spoke, "whatever you're doing to cause this storm? Make it stop. Or I'll kill you myself. I don't care what it does to the color of my eyes."

"Jokes on you, Scott." Jennifer laughed, "you'll never kill me. You know why? Because if you do, Reid will never find out where his mother is and then he'll kill you him—" Jennifer was cut off when Reid dug his hand into her chest, right where her heart is and gripped it. "Oh, look at that. Turns out you have a heart."

Her eyes widened both in shock and pain, "wh– what are you doing?"

"Tell me where she is," Reid demanded, ignoring the horrified looks he was receiving from Scott and Derek, "before I rip your heart out."

"... m— my house in the b— basement," Jennifer gasped out in pain, "let me go."

"Yeah, of course." Jennifer let out a relieved sigh at his answer but her eyes went wide when he squeezed her heart and ripped it out, her body falling limp on the ground with a hole in her chest.

"What the hell..." Scott breathed out, restraining himself from puking his guts out at the sight of her heart.

"Wanna play catch?" He asked Scott with a smirk on his face making his eyes widened as he shook his head, "no, no don't you dare—"

"— Relax," he laughed, tossing it on the ground, "I won't."

His eyes went to Deucalion who was kneeling on the ground, seemingly in shock and Reid couldn't help but make his way towards him.

With a loud sigh, he bent down to his height and reluctantly placed a hand on his shoulder, "you okay?"

"I can see again," Deucalion muttered, looking at Reid and his eyes teared up involuntarily, "Reid... I— I'm sorry for everything."

"It doesn't matter," he stood up and turned to look at Derek and Scott, "you're not touching him."

Derek rolled his eyes but nodded nonetheless, "whatever you say, Reid," he glanced at Deucalion, "my mother told me you were a man of vision once. We're letting you go, because we hope you can be that man again."

"But, if you're not, then having your eyesight back won't matter—" Scott paused, "— because you'll never see us coming."

"Okay, that was actually good—" Reid was cut off ny Deucalion who placed a hand on his shoulders, "— come with me."

"I'm sorry, what?" Reid swiftly turned his head to him, "no, I— I can't."

"Why not?" Deucalion furrowed his brows but however, he pursed his lips in realisation, "oh, right. Your mate."

"Mate?" Scott repeated, remembering the term, "right, what the hell is that?"

"I thought it was only a myth," Derek added, looking over at Reid with confusion. "Is Lydia your..."

"Yeah," He cleared his throat, glancing down at his hands which were coated in Jennifer's blood mixed with his own and Deucalion's, "she is. My parents were too. I guess it runs in the family."

"Does she know?" Scott asked to which he nodded, "yes, she does."

"If words get out that she's your mate," Deucalion began, "all your enemies will come directly for her."

"Your enemies?" Scott repeated, looking at Reid, "you have enemies of your own?"

"Are you really surprised?" He asked the new alpha who shook his head, "now that I think of it... No, not really."

"But they won't find out, right?" Reid turned to Deucalion with a warning look. He shook his head, "of course not. I wouldn't do that to you. Looking at what you've just done to Jennifer, she's probably the only thing keeping you stable at the moment. Anyway, I shall leave now," he smiled at Reid, "I'm just one call away." With that, he walked out of the place.

Reid's eyes flickered to Derek and Scott, "we should probably get the fuck out of here too."

"Wait, no—" Derek's voice made him raise his brows as Derek continued, "you're a hybrid?"

"Oh, right—" he bit his lip, "— I'm half–vampire."

"V— Vampire?" Scott stuttered, his eyes filled with both fear and confusion, "that's real?"

"I'm proof," Reid muttered with a small shrug, "I've got vampire blood running through my veins."

"How the hell—"

"— Daddy was half-vamp too," Reid responded, "well, he was a hybrid like me. Mom was only a werewolf though."

"Alpha blood and vampire blood," Derek mumbled, "I can see why you're strong now. Wait does that mean... Argent didn't actually kill your father, did he? Since he became a vampire after he died— so that means—"

"— Yeah, it was me." Reid muttered with a loud sigh, "like I said, he was a dick. Anyway, can we talk about this later? I gotta go find my mom. Okay? Great, bye." Without waiting for them to say anything, he rushed out of the place.

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