:: our destiny

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I'm a Psychology student.
She's a Nursing student.

We both aim to graduate
No matter how long we wait.

It is not about the Latin Honor,
But how we face fear and failure.

Our dream is as high as the moon
And as bright as Polaris and Orion.

I'm a Psychology student.
She's a Nursing student.

I'm an advocate for mental health.
She's a catalyst for life and health.

A lot of plight we have to endure,
Yet we will fight and that's for sure.

We'll keep undaunted against agony
With body and mind are in harmony.

I'm a Psychology student.
She's a Nursing student.

I care for her mind; she's for my body.
However, she made my heart crazy.

We were bound to meet by Almighty.
Together we will heal the humanity.

Isang Daang Tula Para sa Isang Estranghera Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon