:: to be wed you

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Love, I wanna see you
Walking down the aisle.

Holding a bunch of red roses
And wearing your favorite style

Of wedding dresss you used
To dream of every night while

We were young and innocent about
What love is, which we believed as wile.

But things changed and we get old
And we both realized we're in love.

We found love in a mysterious wayー
Pure love that was sent from above.

So here and now, I pledge to love
You faithfully 'til death do us part.

In the name of love and of the Father,
I vow to be bound with you, My Art.

You were once written in my pieces.
Now you're in every fiber of my heart.

Isang Daang Tula Para sa Isang Estranghera Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon