:: you're my angel

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Darling, don't leave
me breathless.

Without you, I will
be homeless.

You are the air
that I breathe.

My comfort when
I needed heat.

You are the rain
when I'm in pain

Coz you were
there by side

until all these heavy
feelings subside.

My lighthouse in a
perilous times

and my haven in a
world of crimes.

Everytime I felt I
don't belong,

You say I am
yours all along.

When the sky is falling
and crumbling,

You are my fortress
and a blessing.

How great is God for
he gave you to me

When I firmly believe,
love is a fantasy.

You are an angel
sent from above

To make me feel the
meaning of love.

Isang Daang Tula Para sa Isang Estranghera Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon